Night Watch Newspaper

51 Law Makers Oppose Mohamed Konneh

Mohamed Konneh, ECSL Boss

In what appeared a suspicion of rigging ahead of June, 2023 multi-tier elections, 51 Sierra Leonean of law makers opposed the appointment Mohamed Kenewui Konneh head of the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL).

Konneh hailed from Pujehun district, one of the strongest SLPP (Sierra Leone People’s Party) heartlands making him an ultimate choice for the post.

At the peak of the controversies, it was mooted at various quarters that President Julius Maada Bio failed to properly consult leaders of political parties as required by the country’s constitution. Mere phone calls passing on information about Konneh’s appointment are not enough as such move do not amount consultation.

Evidence subsequently confirmed that   leaders of political parties including ex-President Ernest Bai Koroma was phoned and informed about Bio’s decision to bring in Konneh to the ECSL. What looked like having no choice, Koroma admonished that Konneh’s credentials be conveyed to the APC secretariat in Freetown. Other opposition politicians do not accept at all.

At the time of his appointment, Konneh was a public officer heading an agency within the Finance Ministry.

It was a move that went contrary to the country’s highest law, the Constitution of Sierra Leone which prohibits a public officer from heading ECSL, a body mandated by law to conduct and supervise all public elections and referenda in Sierra Leone.

The fear of compromise and complete submission to the will, whims and caprices of the one who appointed him remained high.

But, government, known for its use of cash and cache (bulldozing tactics), cared little about the criticisms posed by opposition law makers as they pressed ahead with their choice. PAOPA has a record of taking police officers to the well of parliament and brutalise opposition law makers to instill fear in them. The new form of political intimidation and harassment poured cold water on the parliamentarians’ effort to hold power to account.

Konneh’s seemingly bizzare appointment also became one of the hottest topics outside the walls of parliament, and they never favoured him at all.  Ever in Sierra Leone’s political history has a Chief Electoral Commission appointed in Konneh’s mood.

Members of opposition political parties especially the Consortium of Progressive Political Parties (CoPPP), an association of 11 opposition political parties criticised the manner in which Konneh was appointed saying it fell outside the ambit of the law. According CoPPP members, none of the party’s leaders was properly consulted as lawfully provided, and they wanted to see the President drop Konneh and appoint another candidate.

“The Chief Electoral Commissioner is unfit for purpose,” an opposition parliamentarian   said in a media interview. Critical views in parliament and opposition political parties are not too different from those of the men in the streets.

They had no confidence in Konneh, a man who, they said was more PAOPA than PAOPA government himself.

Like opposition politicians, members of the public especially those in opposition strongholds see Konneh’s appointment illegal and must be nullified.

As the debate intensified, there is no place where the opposition to Konneh’s appointment hotly contested existed than in a press briefing held at New Brookfields Hotel in Freetown just 10 days to the elections.

Before a galaxy of diplomats, pressmen and important stakeholders, presidential candidate for the main opposition, All People’s Congress, Dr Samura Kamara pointing out several instances on the illegal appointment of Mohamed Konneh and how it would impact on the outcome of the polls.

Reading from a 21-page document, APC’s presidential candidate said “Mr Mohamed Konneh was appointed Chairman of the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone in a manner that epitomises SLPP (Sierra Leone People’s Party)’s government’s flagrant disrespect for the rule of law and its underlying intent to undermine the integrity of the 2023 elections.”

Kamara went on to analyse the extent to which several portions of the constitutions were breached and APC’s resistance to the appointment.

Sections 32-34 of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone which prescribe the modus operandi in the appointment of ECSL boss were allegedly completely discarded.

Sections 32(4) of the Constitution states that “A person shall not be qualified for an appointment as a member of the Electoral Commission if he/she is not qualified to be elected as a member of parliament or the person should not be a public official (Minister, Deputy Minister, Member of Parliament or Public Officer.”

He also emphasised that Mohamed Konneh was the Director-General of the Financial Intelligence Unit, a presidential appointment and not a promotion based on a distinguished public service at the time of his appointed to head the commission.

APC’s backlash about Konneh’s appointment was communicated to President Bio, but turned down such concerns leaving the opposition to see the appointment as an imposition.

“Mr Konneh was imposed as the head of the Commission without due consultation of leaders of political parties as stipulated by the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone,” APC’s presidential candidate told the press.

Such political patronage, according to political commentators, whittled down Konneh’s independence and neutrality in the conduct and supervision of the elections.

By Virtue of his post, the Chief Electoral Commissioner is expected to exercise his functions independently and impartially without interference from external sources, but many believed that he was manipulated throughout.

According to ex-APC leader, the ECSL boss has pursued a troubling policy of ethnicisation, arrogant and heavy-handed management mode within the Electoral Commission.

He replaced experienced staff with purported PAOPA loyalists chosen for their perceived ability to protect an unpopular government against the will of the people.

Former electoral commissioner for the Western Area, Miatta French was replaced with Zainab Moseray who many said lacked the required experience to occupy the post. Miatta’s dismissal from the commission also raised heated debates in several quarters with many saying it was not done within the confines of the law.

Her neutrality in the polls especially in the 2018 elections made her a target for the PAOPA regime especially owing to her close relationship with then Chief Electoral Commissioner, Christiana Thorpe.

It has been mooted at several quarters that   Miatta French was a mentee of the then Electoral Commissioner who many said largely contributed to the SLPP’s defeat in 2007.

Then Chief Electoral Commissioner conducted 2007 and 2012 elections both in favour of APC, then ruling party.

Despite her role in ensuring free, fair and credible elections, then Chief Electoral Commissioner was the most hated personality within SLPP rank and file. The nullification of hundreds of polling centres in Kailahun district worsened the hatred against her.

Even in 2012 elections, her statement of ‘GO POLICE’ was never taken with a pinch of salt by the SLPP guys who will not hesitate to deal with any one said to have close links with the former ECSL boss.

The opposition leader also raised big eyebrows at ECSL’s sudden expansion at a time voting is almost underway without any needs analysis and assessment.

He said “the expansion of the commission without any substantiated assessment or needs analysis vividly portrays a disdain for professionalism and operational efficiency.”

Over 21 positions including voter Education and training officers, assistant district election managers, election officers and information technology focal persons, one for each region, graphic designers and estate engineers were filled.

The recruitment, according to Dr Kamara, was shrouded in such secrecy that the existing employees of the commission who wished to apply for such positions were asked to resign.

Consequently, no ECSL serving personnel, some with over 10 years’ service and masters’ degree holder, was shortlisted for an interview, a situation that resulted into mass recruitment of SLPP members, supporters and symapthisers.

The opposition leader was blunt to say that over 90% of ECSL staff were South-Easterners whose loyalty to the party remains unquestionable and that the ethnic-based recruitment cuts across all public institutions.

The staffing approach, he said did not only undermine the commission’s workforce, but weakened their zeal to deliver quality services to the people of Sierra Leone. These anomalies, according to Dr Kamara, bounce back on the ECSL Chief.

“It is evident that Mr Konneh’s unwavering resolve to further his assigned agenda which primarily serves the Bio administration’s pursuit of another term is an alarming indication of the imminent electoral manipulation…”

The unresolved concerns raised by the opposition and the public resulted into a post-election stalemate that still hunts Sierra Leone.

It makes a strong case about why ECSL boss should be held accountable as suggested by the 2023 Carter Center election report.

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