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State House Congratulates Senegalese President… How Many Presidents Congratulate President Bio?

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It is a complete irony for an uncongratulated and unrecognised President to congratulate others who genuinely win elections.

As the world isolates President Julius Maada Bio owing to rigged elections, he is busy congratulating other Presidents in Africa and pledge to work with them to tighten cooperation.

The latest to enjoy Bio’s goodwill sentiments is the new Senegalese President, Bassirou Diomaye Faye who many believe to be the youngest in the line of country’s recent Presidents.

He came to the throne in somewhat uneasy calm caused by his predecessor, Macky Sall who was mulling a third-term bid.

In what looked like a sinister cover up of a legitimacy crisis, State House in Sierra Leone’s capital, Freetown has congratulated the new President in press release issued yesterday.

“On behalf of the people and government of Sierra Leone, His Excellency Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, extends his warmest congratulations to the President-elect, Bassirou Diomaye Faye on his victory in Senegal’s Presidential elections,” a portion of the press release reads.

The press release further notes that the triumph is a reflection and confidence that the people of Senegal place in his leadership, vision and service to the nation.

President Bio is also said to have witnessed the successful democratic process that unfolded in the French West African country and commended the people and government of Senegal for ensuring a peaceful elections while elections in Sierra Leone was replete with violence.

In a show of confidence, President Bio promised to work with the Senegalese head of State to strengthen regional cooperation.

“As the President-elect, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, prepares to take up the responsibilities of leading Senegal, I would like to offer him my utmost support and collaboration in enhancing the bilateral relations between our two nations. Sierra Leone stands ready to work hand in hand with his government to promote peace, sustainable development and prosperity for the African continent,” the press release also reads in part.

According news reports, the former President is preparing to hand over the baton of leadership and take the back seat in the country’s affairs.

Sall’s attempted rigging, analysts say, was self-defeatist and hypocritic as he was here in Sierra Leone alongside the Ghanian President, Nana Akufor Addo to strengthen peace and democracy following the arrest and detention of former President Ernest Bai Koroma.

One of the opposition leaders, Osman Sonko is currently in prison after his arrest by the Sall regime.

However, President Bio’s congratulation of the new Senegalese President has opened up several chapters of debates in public and academic circles.

Many say Bio is more of a dictator than a democrat as evidenced by the conduct of the June 24, 2023 elections.

A popular argument holds that the Sierra Leonean President did not allow free, fair and credible elections to take place knowing fully well that he would be defeated.

On June 27, last year, Bio, within a twinkle of an eye was announced winner of the elections, sworn in and hit the ground running despite criticisms from Sierra Leoneans and the international community (United Nations, European Union, Commonwealth, African Union and the Economic Community Of West African States).

However, the question of who congratulated President Bio after he was declared winner appears to have been the main arguments of the day.

Although SLPP fans seem to be in a feat of anger at the moment, it could be argued without fear of contradiction that no African President not even in the ECOWAS region has congratulated Bio after his controversial election victory.

Presidents of the two neighbouring countries, Guinea and Liberia, Colonel Mahmady Doumbouya and George Opong Weah sent no congratulatory message to President Bio as they aware that the election was riddled with electoral malpractices and thuggery.

Also, none of the great powers, the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China and France conveyed congratulatory messages to him.

Sierra Leone’s key development partners also did not accept see the election as a process that is transparent, free, fair and credible.

The non-recognition of President Julius Maada Bio by none of the world powers was laid bare by the US Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Bryan David Hunt who tendered his credentials to the people of Sierra Leone and not Bio’s government.

Since his arrival in Sierra Leone, the US Ambassador has not easily seen eye-to-eye with Bio’s government as he cannot go against his country’s interest. US’s strategic foreign policy interest is building a culture of democracy, Human rights and development around the world.  These objectives guide their ambassadors and other principal representatives in various parts of the world including Ambassador Hunt in Sierra Leone.

The American diplomat continues to uphold the stance taken by the United States against Bio’s government especially in the area of financial support.

Even when Sierra Leone badly needed the MCC (Millenium Challenge Corporation) compact amounting to the tune of $750m, the US Ambassador did not put in a word for Bio’s government which wrestling with legitimacy crisis.

Amid the sour relationship, the US only funded the Tripartite Committee with the sum of $1.5m to carry out the election probe right to the end.

The investigative body was launched in October last year following the signing of a communiqué between the main opposition, All People’s Congress and ruling Sierra Leone’s People’s Party to end a post-election stalemate that was going to reverse democratic gains made years past.

The committee has as its main objective the investigation of alleged electoral irregularities and proffer recommendations to protect future elections. Work is in progress although moving at a snail-pace.

The United States, in normal times, is known to be one of the biggest funders for Sierra Leone, but it has ceased funding after the June elections.

Ambassador Hunt keeps US’s position on Sierra Leone intact even in the face of claims of a military take-over of state governance in late November, last year. He doubtedly accepted government’s claims of a coup, but cautioned the authorities against walking away from the Tripartite Committee because of a failed or foiled coup.

To the diplomats, the Tripartite Committee represents the hope of Sierra Leone.

As if pouring out doubt over the occurrence of a coup against the throne, Mr Hunt said he did not believe that any serious opposition would take part in a coup.   However, he cautioned government against embarking on  blanket punishment adding that such action was outside the laws of Sierra Leone.

“Those who committed the crimes should be held responsible for their individual actions,” he admonished government.

European Union also did not congratulate Bio after June polls casting doubt over the means employed by the Bio regime to maintain a tight grip on power.

Like Hunt, European Union Ambassador, Manuel Muller is also maintaining position taken by his organisation which failed to recognise Bio’s government.

The European Union, over the years, has been imensely supporting Sierra Leone especially in areas of infrastructure as seen in the construction and rehabilitation of major roads and bridges across the country.

EU takes credit for the Freetown-Kambia, Masiaka-Freetown and Bo-Liberia highways which have opened up Sierra Leone to regional trade and commerce.

However, the assistance is now a story of the old times as the European body has withheld its funds from Sierra Leone pending the investigation of the election results.

An EU report on Sierra Leone’s elections went a long way in exposing several ways in which   credibility of the polls was dented.

The report singled out the use of gun violence and thuggery as one of several methods employed by government to silence opposition politicians especially those of the APC before and after the elections.

The report catalogued several instances in which a seeming state-sponsored violence repeatedly took the lives of opposition supporters at APC headquarters.  Armed policemen have pulled the trigger on several occasions at the party headquarters targeting key APC personalities.

The shooting dead of a nurse  and an ardent APC supporter  known as White Boy at the party office represents one of the worst forms of violence against the opposition. Then party leader, Dr Samura Kamara himself has survived several gun attacks before, during and after the elections.

Despite the cold shoulder given to him by the international community, Bio is not moved as he continues to hold the forte by making fresh appointment at every tick of the clock.







Message of Congratulations to Senegal’s President-elect Bassirou Diomaye Faye


State House, Freetown, Tuesday 26 March 2024 – On behalf of the people and government of Sierra Leone, His Excellency Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, extends his warmest congratulations to the President-elect, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, on his victory in Senegal’s presidential elections.

This triumph is a reflection of the trust and confidence that the people of Senegal have placed in his leadership, vision, and commitment to serving his nation.

President Bio takes immense pride in witnessing the successful democratic process that unfolded in Senegal and commends the people and Government of Senegal for their unwavering commitment to peaceful and democratic elections.

President Bio expresses his appreciation to President Macky Sall for his leadership and friendship to Sierra Leone during his presidency.

As Senegal embarks on this new chapter, President Bio looks forward to working closely with the President-elect, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, to strengthen the longstanding bonds between the two countries and foster even stronger regional cooperation.

“As the President-elect, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, prepares to take up the responsibilities of leading Senegal, I would like to offer him my utmost support and collaboration in enhancing the bilateral relations between our two nations. Sierra Leone stands ready to work hand in hand with his government to promote peace, sustainable development, and prosperity for the African continent,” President Bio states.



For More Enquiries: State House Media and Communications Unit

Email: info@statehouse.gov.sl

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