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Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Look at our Work Ethics

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By Our News Analyst
As the year comes to an end we are looking forward to the Christmas and New Year holidays with their tendencies for relaxation and reflection.There is nothing wrong per se in relaxation only that too much of one thing is good for nothing. Our past government observed one holiday too many.’’ If all the year were playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious as to work ‘’-Shakespeare .
In contra-distinction from Free Quality Education our work ethics should be Paid Quality Service.The fact is that due to our low levels of literacy most workers do not realize that however minuscule their roles they are part of production as a whole. And the realization does not seem to have –dawned on government that each holiday costs millions of Leones in lost revenue. They have been granting holidays on the slightest pretexts or none. There is unnecessary laissez faire.
There are two categories of workers: those who work for the love of working and others who work for the love of money. With regard to the Christian’s attitude to work which should be adopted by non-Christians as well, Paul had this to say ‘’for you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us; we were not idle when we were with you we did not eat anyone’s bread without paying but with toil and labor we worked night and day that we might not burden any of you. It was not because we have not that right but to give you in our conduct an example to imitate for even when we were with you we gave you this command. If anyone will not work let him not eat’’. 2ndThessalonians 3:7-10.Ipse dixit.In other words it gives credence to the cliché that there is no free lunch in Europe. No‘’ Youborbordae’’
Our ministers and other politicians in the top echelons should pay special attention to this ideal if we are to make any meaningful gains in our production levels. They breeze in and out and keep sponging around with matters irrelevant to their schedules. This contrasts with the work load of the Heads of State whose heads are uneasy with their ‘’Crowns’’. But more often than not they are ever willing to soldier on in spite of the pretense. Exceptionally there are work alcoholics among the tiny crop of those who work for the love of it. Its a pity that a majority of workers in this country work without living.They toil and toil only to receive pittances not commensurate with the hours put in.In this regard let us bear in mind that the work we put in our hours is more important than the hours put in. In other words a charlatan may laze around the office for hours on end but only putting in perhaps one or two hours of productive work. This is due to the reprehensible practice of mixing work and play. The maxim: Work while you work and play while you play is applicable here.
In all these undertakings conditions of service and incentives for work should not be lost sight of. Appalling conditions of work led by miserable emoluments are some of the conditions to blame for poor output. In order to survive otherwise decent citizens have been constrained to participate in corrupt practices.The good thing is that government has indicated an upping of wages which if actualized may change attitudes to work for the better.
The best recipe espoused by Sierra Leone’s first Head of State was trite: ‘’Independence means hard work’’ If only succeeding leaders used this as a mantra production would have been peaking instead of slumping. Jackasses would have abounded instead of impostors
The greatest asset of any nation is the spirit of its people. If we regard ourselves as mere cogs in the wheels of the nation much will not be achieved. There is need to take a long hard look at the present dead end with a view to changing course. It is well known that the Christmas and New Year falling on each others heels as it were are celebrated with extended unofficial holidays. This narrative in the Civil Service can be altered by declaring from December 25thto January 3rd as public holidays with the proviso that one hour each day be added to the first two weeks in January in compensation. The pretense of working during the intervening period of the holidays when most offices are half empty should cease. Is my suggestion making any sense? Carnival time.!

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