Night Watch Newspaper

Accused Charged With Fraudulent Conversion

By Musa Paul Feika
Mohamed Sesay has made his first appearance before Magistrate Hannah Bonnie at the Pademba Road Magistrate Court No. 1, for fraudulently converting five thousand five hundred and twenty seven United States Dollars ($5, 5027, 000) from Ibrahim Summa of No. 8 Prince Street, off Circular Road in Freetown.
The Police witness Ibrahim Summa in his testimony, told the court that he recognized the accused as a family friend and he knew him for more than a year.
The witness disclosed to the court that he could recall some time in 2018.
He told the court that he informed the accused that he was erecting a four-storey building for his father who was residing overseas.
The witness informed the court that the accused later met him and told him to look out for someone to do business with him, adding that he would shortly travel to China.
Mr. Summa continued that upon that himself and the accused went into an agreement to supply him with tiles.
He told the court that he took the accused and one of his workers, Foday Kamara to go to his site and estimate the house including the accused.
He said upon their visitation to the site, it was estimated that six hundred (600) carton tiles for the entire building.
The police witness furthered that he informed his dad overseas and disclosed such an arrangement between them and later assured his dad that he is very much conversant with the accused in question.
According to him, this prompted his father to communicate with the accused through his mobile phone.
The witness stated that later on, his dad sent five thousand five hundred and twenty seven United States dollars though Union Trust Bank as it was agreed, while the accused by then was in China.
He added that the accused confirmed to him that he has received the said amount.
Mr. Summa told the court that his father forwarded the receipt of the said money through Union Trust Bank.
He said upon the transaction between himself, the accused and his father and the accused later forwarded different types of colored tiles through his phone and asked him to choose the type of tile color he wanted.
He said he forwarded them to his father and as a result, they chose the one they wanted.
After four months, the accused could not bring the tiles and so he reported the matter at the Criminal Investigations Department headquarters at Pademba Road in Freetown.
The accused was before the court on one count of fraudulent conversion contrary to law.
The police file sheet states that Mohamed Sesay sometimes in 2018 converted five thousand five hundred and twenty seven United States dollars to his own use and benefit.
The accused was remanded and the matter was adjourned to 26th July, 2019.

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