Night Watch Newspaper

Accused Docked For Murder

By Janet Sesay
John Kamara was yesterday remanded at the Correctional Centre by Magistrate Santigie Bangura of the Freetown Magistrate Court No.1 for allegedly killing his girlfriend at the National Stadium on Christmas day.
In his testimony, the brother of the deceased, Mustapha Sankoh, said he recognizes the accused in the dock and recalled 25th December, 2018.
He furthered that on the said day, in the morning hours, he received a phone call from his father telling him that the deceased was seriously ill. He said he immediately went over at their house and met his father and the accused at home and the deceased lying on their father’s bed helpless with bruises all over her face.
He told the court that, the accused then told him that when he and the deceased went to the stadium she got a devil’s attack and she fell on the ground and started scratching her face.
He furthered told the court that the accused took them to a native woman whom he said can cure somebody that has a devil but the woman told them that the deceased did not have any attack, as she was severely beaten.
He said he then took the accused and the deceased to the eastern police station and made a report where the police advised him to carry the deceased to the hospital and they took her to the Connaught Hospital, but he later learnt that the deceased had passed away. Following this the accused was arrested and he made statement to the police.
The accused was arraigned with two counts of conspiracy to murder and murder, which is contrary to law. The particulars of offence state that the accused, on the 25th December, 2018 at the National Stadium in Freetown, murdered Isata Sankoh.
The defense counsel, A. Kamara, sought for a date to cross examine the witness. The accused was remanded and the matter was adjourned to the 20th February, 2019.

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