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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

AG Is Beacon Of Hope For Justice In Sierra Leone

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By Sylvester Samai

On September 12, 2024, the New Brookfields Hotel in Freetown became the stage for a historic moment in Sierra Leone’s legal and justice system. The launch of the government’s Justice Sector Reform Strategy was unveiled in an event attended by key dignitaries, including President Julius Maada Bio, Chief Minister David Moinina Sengeh, ministers, deputies, civil society organizations, and a host of legal experts.

At the heart of that event is, Mohamed Lamin Tarawally, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice. He was lauded for his extraordinary work in transforming the country’s justice system and as a consequence, was awarded Grade ‘A’ at the mid-term assessment of his leadership acumen, his visionary reform initiatives, and his strategic implementation of policies aimed at repositioning the justice sector.

The Government of Sierra Leone embarked on the Justice Sector Reform Strategy to address long-standing issues in the legal system, such as delayed trials, overcrowded prisons, and corruption within the judiciary. Tarawally, in his role as Attorney General, has been the driving force behind these reforms, ensuring that the legal system meets international standards of efficiency, probity and fairness.

The launch of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy in 2024 was a culmination of hard work and dedication from his office. With the full support of President Bio and other government stakeholders, Tarawally’s leadership and reformist agenda have been instrumental in modernizing Sierra Leone’s justice system, making it more accessible, transparent, and accountable.

One of the most significant accomplishments of Attorney General Tarawally has been his ability to drastically reduce the backlog of pending court cases. For decades, Sierra Leone’s legal system has been bogged down by slow processes, which resulted in long delays for individuals seeking justice. This problem was particularly pronounced in criminal cases, where defendants would sometimes spend years in pre-trial detention.

Recognizing the severity of the issue, Tarawally implemented a comprehensive strategy that prioritized case backlog reduction as a top agenda item. His office introduced the use of technology in court processes, including digital case management systems that allow for more efficient tracking of cases and a reduction in the time it takes for cases to be processed. Since the introduction of these reforms, the backlog of cases has been reduced by an impressive 40%, a fact that was highlighted during the mid-term assessment.

The use of electronic filing systems, the digitization of court records, and the training of court staff on the use of these technologies have all contributed to a faster and more efficient legal process. Citizens who once had to wait for years to have their cases heard can now expect more timely resolutions; a move that has increased trust in the legal system.

A core component of Mohamed Lamin Tarawally’s justice reform strategy has been the expansion of access to justice, particularly for marginalized and underserved communities. The Attorney General recognized that many people in Sierra Leone, especially those in rural areas, lacked the means to access legal services. In response, he expanded the Legal Aid Board’s presence in these regions, providing free legal assistance to those who could not afford representation.

This initiative has made a significant difference in the lives of countless Sierra Leoneans, particularly women and children who are often the most vulnerable in legal disputes. Legal Aid offices now provide a wide range of services, from family law cases to criminal defense, ensuring that no one is left without a voice in the legal system.

Moreover, Attorney General Tarawally has prioritized Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms as a way to resolve conflicts outside the formal court system. This approach has been especially beneficial in civil cases, where disputes can be settled more quickly and amicably through mediation, rather than prolonged court battles. The increased use of ADR has not only reduced the burden on the courts but has also helped build a culture of peaceful resolution within communities.

Under the leadership of Attorney General Tarawally, the government has taken a firm stand against corruption in the judiciary. Corruption has long undermined public trust in the legal system, with allegations of bribery, favoritism, and judicial misconduct tarnishing the reputation of the courts.

Determined to address these issues, Tarawally established an independent Judicial Integrity Unit tasked with investigating and prosecuting cases of corruption within the judiciary. This unit works closely with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to ensure that any allegations of misconduct are thoroughly investigated and prosecuted where necessary. Several high-profile cases of judicial corruption have been exposed and dealt with under his watch, sending a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

These anti-corruption efforts have been widely praised by civil society groups and international partners. The mid-term assessment highlighted the reduction in corruption cases within the judiciary as a major achievement of the reform strategy. By ensuring accountability at all levels of the justice system, Mohamed Lamin Tarawally has helped restore public confidence in the fairness and impartiality of the courts.

In addition to improving efficiency and combating corruption, Attorney General Tarawally has also been a strong advocate for human rights and progressive legislation. His office has played a pivotal role in drafting and enacting laws that protect vulnerable populations and promote justice for all Sierra Leoneans.

One of the key legislative achievements under his tenure has been the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Act, which mandates equal representation for women in political and public life. This law also strengthens protections against gender-based violence and ensures that women have equal access to economic opportunities. The Act is seen as a landmark in Sierra Leone’s journey toward gender equality, and its passage has been hailed as a victory for women’s rights.

Tarawally has also championed reforms to the juvenile justice system, ensuring that children in conflict with the law are treated with dignity and fairness. His office has worked to align Sierra Leone’s juvenile justice laws with international standards, emphasizing rehabilitation over punishment for young offenders.

These legislative reforms reflect the Attorney General’s deep commitment to building a just and equitable society, where the rights of all individuals are protected by law.

One of the defining features of Mohamed Lamin Tarawally’s leadership style is his emphasis on collaboration and inclusivity. The success of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy has been largely due to his ability to build strong partnerships with key stakeholders, including civil society organizations, international partners, and the broader public.

Throughout the implementation of the reform strategy, Tarawally engaged with a wide range of actors to ensure that the reforms are not only technically sound but also responsive to the needs of the people. He has worked closely with development partners such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank to secure funding and technical assistance for the reforms. These partnerships have provided critical support for initiatives such as capacity-building for judicial officers, infrastructure improvements in courts, and the expansion of legal aid services.

The Attorney General’s collaborative approach has fostered a sense of shared ownership of the reforms, ensuring that they are sustainable and effective in the long term.

As the mid-term assessment of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy came to a close at the New Broomfield Hotel, it was clear that Attorney General Mohamed Lamin Tarawally’s leadership had set a high standard for the future. The reforms he has championed have already had a profound impact on Sierra Leone’s justice system, but there is still much work to be done.

Looking ahead, Tarawally’s focus will be on consolidating the gains made so far and addressing new challenges as they arise. Key priorities for the second half of the reform strategy include further reducing case backlogs, expanding access to legal aid, and continuing the fight against corruption. His vision for a justice system that is efficient, transparent, and accessible to all Sierra Leoneans remains as strong as ever.

In his speech during the mid-term assessment, Tarawally emphasized the need for continued collaboration between government agencies, civil society, and international partners to ensure the success of the reforms. He called on all stakeholders to remain committed to the goal of a just and fair Sierra Leone, where the rule of law prevails, and justice is accessible to every citizen.

Attorney General Mohamed Lamin Tarawally’s Grade ‘A’ at the mid-term assessment of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy is a reflection of his exceptional leadership and dedication to justice in Sierra Leone. His achievements, from reducing case backlogs to combating corruption and promoting human rights, have transformed the country’s legal landscape and set the stage for continued progress.

As Sierra Leone moves forward with its reform agenda, the nation can take pride in the accomplishments of its Attorney General, whose visionary leadership has made justice more accessible, transparent, and equitable for all. The mid-term assessment is a testament to his hard work, and the future promises even greater achievements as the justice sector continues to evolve under his guidance.

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