Night Watch Newspaper

APC’s Choice Of Running Mate Today… Jagaban Must Wait

Mohamed Ormodu Kamara aka Money Jagaban

After the February National Delegates’ Conference in Makeni this year, the main opposition, All People’s Congress (APC) has gone for a month without a running mate. Calls have been incessantly made by grassroots members, and threats of an ultimatum remained visible. Some APC members and supporters threaten to take to the streets if a running mate is not announced.

In response to the outcry, the party is today set to announce a running today among four main contenders: Chernor Maju Bah, Mohamed Ormodu Kamara aka Money Jagaban, Chernor Madina Rahman and Mayor Yvonne Aki Sawyer. Much attention is however being focused on Money Jagaban as APC’s running mate for this year’s election.

Other APC members have not subscribed to such choice as they wanted Ormodu Kamara to stay put and support the party for a while. Later he would be considered for a bigger status perhaps bigger than the running mate. For many in the APC, this is not Kamara’s time, it is too early for him to go for the second most important post in a party in which many have toiled so much, and others sacrificed their lives.

Jagaban must exercise patience, and see what the party can do for him if it wins the elections. The real test of patience is waiting for the right time. Although he has brought crowds to APC in a short time, and showed deep interest in  the party, he must submit  to the passage of time. Although he has spent millions of leones on people, he must give chance, for now, to those he has already met in the party.

Jagaban’s continued dishing of money to members of the public has left many questions than answers. Sierra Leoneans as well as law enforcement agencies are trying to figure out Kamara’s source of money. His spending habit and lavish lifestyle is a key subject for discussion in many places in the country. Many see him as money launderer who is under surveillance by intelligence agencies. Hardly a day passes by without crowds flocking at his house to seek a fortune.

Ordinary men and members of secret societies usually assemble at Money Jagaban’s residence for alms. Everyone who visits him gets a share or taste of his wealth. Until quite recently, Mohamed Ormodu Kamara was not a household name in Sierra Leone. But, his money has catapulted him to a celebrity status.

For now, almost everybody wants to get a glimpse of Jagaban, or even know him better. Even most APC members appear to have for him more than the other candidates who have suffered with a party that has been in opposition for five years. If the party does not think too much or look back at recent past, they might be tempted into awarding the running mate symbol to Jagaban although he met several people in the race for the running mate. Honourable Chernor Maju Bah, Mayor Aki Sawyer, Madina Rahman and most likely, former Vice President, Chief Samuel Sam Sumana, are battling it out for the second top job.

Of the four afore-mentioned, two remain the most popular: Chernor Maju Bah and Sam Sumana.

Although he has come lately under fire for weak criticism in parliament, Honourable Bah remains a political heavyweight in the party and in his community. He has championed APC’s cause in several platforms. In parliament, Chernor Bah stoutly resisted the enactment of bad laws except one which many say is bad, but could not contain.

A man cannot fight a dozen let alone government. His resistance to bad laws became clear when he openly opposed the census bill when it was brought before parliament. The chaos that took when he was rallying his co-MPs was another chapter. Honourable Bah was also critical of moves made by the ruling party to remove party politics from local councils. Government’s decision, at that time, was to ensure that SLPP, APC and other political parties have no business with local council elections.

The move was widely seen as one that did not reflect the country’s interest but SLPP’s, knowing that their stake in the councils is just too weak. In the 2018 elections, the ruling party got just six councils: Bo, Pujehun, Moyamba, Bonthe, Kenema and Kailahun while Kono council went to the Coalition For Change. APC however got Bombali, Koinadugu, Tonokolili, Falaba, Port Loko, Kambia,  Karene, Western Urban and Western Rural district councils.

The margin over control of councils between APC and SLPP is wide, and the latter is not comfortable with the state of political affairs. Doing away with party politics from local councils was SLPP’s only aim to cover up their unpopularity. But, such bill was trampled in the dust of history through the bravery and sacrifice of Maju Bah. The APC’s parliamentary leader has demonstrated love and loyalty to his boss, Dr Samura Kamara. He has been with him through tough and trying times.

When the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) was going after the then flag-bearer hopeful, Honourable Bah offered solace to Dr Kamara. He sometimes spent the rest of the day with him at the ACC office. During 2017 convention, Dr Samura Kamara was selected alongside Chernor Maju Bah, and hopes remain that he would go with him for the second time. Former Vice President Chief Sam Sumana is also in the race. Mr Sumana served the country in the capacity of Second Gentleman between 2007 and 2015.

He left the party only after a feud ensued between him and former President Koroma by rumourmongers, gossipers and blackmailers. In a show of love for the party, Chief Sam Sumana rolled his caravan to Makeni where he reconciled with Koroma. Upon his return to the party almost three years ago, Chief Sam has done a lot. He has led several campaigns including the one at Constituency 110 in the Western Rural district in which Honourable Khadijatu Davies emerged as the winner.

Sierra Leoneans are also witnesses to a situation in which Chief Sam Sumana nearly crippled SLPP government when he raised the issue of his compensation package to the ECOWAS Court in Nigeria. The issue was burning so much that government officials who represented Sierra Leone in ECOWAS institutions were about to be sent back home, and funds for various projects withheld. The situation worried government so much that it was compelled to reach Chief Sam for negotiation and compromise.

The former Vice President is a man who always shows composure in the face of high provocation. His comportment he put up when police officers fired teargas at him in Port Loko city cannot be expected to easily fade away from people’s minds. Chief Sam has been there once; he therefore knows the way and will lead the way.

Much is not yet known about the two female aspirants for the running mate. Unlike Madina Rahman, Yvonne Aki Sawyer, the city mother has been on the ground for a while. She has received several commendations from many quarters for hard work and commitment to national development. Dr Samura Kamara and members of the National Advisory Council could choose any of the two females if he needs a female candidate as running mate.

If, on the other hand, a male candidate is preferred, either Chernor Bah or Sam Sumana could be appointed. Ormodu Kamara must wait for another day as one does not reach the top overnight.

Money is something, but not everything. He has to be mentored on the party ideology, values and principles before a space at the top is created for him.

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