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Saturday, October 5, 2024

As World EU Day Celebrated… MOPED And EU launch EU 4 You Bus Tour

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By Janet A Sesay

The European Union together with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development on 9 May, 2024, during World European Union Day, launched the “EU 4 you bus tour”  which will start from the 9-23 May, 2024.

This launching took place at the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development office, tower Hill in Freetown.

This EU 4 you bus tour will start from Freetown, Port Loko, Kambia, Bombali, Kono, Bo, Pujehum, Kenema, Kailahun, Moyamba and Waterloo.

During the launching ceremony, the European Union Ambassador Emmanuel Muller in his statement said May 9 is the day set aside to celebrate Europe Day which signifies peace and progress.

He said as this day is been celebrated across the world, Sierra Leone is also celebrating the milestone with the European Union because we recognized the long standing partnership between the government of Sierra Leone and European Union in the country.

Ambassador Muller further that on this day, the European Members and team goes to several areas in the country to visit the projects that get support from the European union which are project of the government and NGOs.

He said they work together with the government, talk with beneficiaries in order to get better understanding about the situation that is on ground and how the EU will support the development priorities of the government.

He further that they do development not only in Freetown but also many other areas in the country.

He continue that the bus will go to different places in the provinces where they will have the possibility to interact with the beneficiaries of the projects that they have supported.

Ambassador Muller further that the European union currently is intervening to support the priorities of the government in the areas of the economy which means support to agriculture, clean energy and they also support the government flagship on education and every areas of government priorities.

He further that they are doing that in order to support priorities which the government has set and that is why they are working with the government and NGOS and the people of the country.

Ambassador Muller added that the European Union through decades has funded road constructions in Sierra Leone, adding that 85 percent of the road that goes from Liberia to Guinea border has been funded by them thereby they have supported an important Sierra Leone infrastructure project and this is funded from the European Union fund.

He said with co funded project of Sierra Leone they are given support for the construction of the road which connect Mabame bridge with the Songo toll gate.

He said this tour will allow them to see some important projects of the government and NGOs that the European Union and European members state are funding and they will be happy to learn from the beneficiaries in what manner these projects has helped them in doing their work and in promoting agriculture.

He said during the tour they have to look especially on women and young people on how to support them and also support the government initiative against sexual gender base violence, adding that this tour will help them to see what else needs to be done and what the support has bring out.

Madam Kenyeh Barley Minister of Planning and Economic Development in her statement said this day shows the cooperation between the European union and the government of Sierra Leone.

She said they recognize the funding of the European Union in the agricultural, infrastructure and education.

She said they also appreciate the European Union support towards the big five game changers which is the vision of the president.

She congratulates the European Union and pray that peace will prevail and the partnership will continue.

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