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Saturday, March 15, 2025


Must read

By Hoccas Siwel

The bible had warned that a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. It should not be surprising then that by their actions that are in stark opposition and contrast to his, the President’s men and women, not the APC, are the immediate, clear and present danger to his re-election and other ambitions.

Self interest and preservation would call for President Bio to first start his clean up of corruption and leakages in the public space in his own house, before anyone would take him serious. The divisions in the SLPP are beginning to show, and a house divided cannot stand. If a man cannot rule his own household, he cannot be expected to lead a whole nation. We are all aware that where the procedures of the law are followed, they act as deterrence for the people. Conversely, where the law is not seen as effective or being enforced, the people take liberty resulting to all kinds of development killing behaviours such as exams malpractice, sexual penetration, graft and the like.

Our president is facing spiritual opposition from legions and principalities that these men/women have inherited and are playing with. Those with him might not be those he should be with as a dream or vision is a process; those you started with might end up being your Achilles’ heel, while those you don’t listen to or are made and/told not to listen to, might be the ones you should.

But there is hope yet for Bio, because he has spiritual support based on God’s promises and call that prayers be made for our leaders. He has been through the ballot box handpicked by God from among his brethren to lead God’s country.

Churches and all God’s people are being called to offer prayers for him daily. Imagine the grassroots President Bio who is equally comfortable either in shorts, cargo or military gear, or western and traditional suits to be so far removed from his base, the very grassroots. Nowadays, he is not seen with the grassroots but the cabals who have overt control on his appointments, even going as far as changing or refusing good leaders for their pawns in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

Remember, regardless of your party affiliation, if the president succeeds we all succeed; if he fails, we all fail. This is not an APC or SLPP partisan matter, but a national one. If he fails these past five years, then that’s five years of backwardness hence waste for us all; we go back to the drawing board. But how long can we be like this, Sierra Leone?

Therefore, let us pray for the president to succeed, and for cabal to fail and be further exposed.

As Sierra Leoneans we are all too familiar with the concept of evil. So informed are we that prayers can be heard daily over the radio, from churches, mosques, and homes across the country being made against the forces of evil and darkness by the one/s making the prayer. And it is never a laughing matter.

Case in point: We are all aware of, and most were and still are in shock by the revelations recently made by politicians at the Cotton Tree crusade for Parliamentarian by Pastor Mambu where they revealed that members of both ruling parties, APC and SLPP made covenants with demons for their continued success, including blood sacrifices.

From that it should be assumed that our leaders since Siaka Stevens have been under the spell of deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, as per the Apostle Paul.

But it was the Holy Spirit of God, speaking through the same Apostle Paul that said prayers should be made for kings hence heads of government. The Christian bible is not quiet on God’s role in the governance of a nation, as He is the one that puts our leaders over us, for His plan and our general good. For the righteous, the leader represents the good things of God. But for the unrighteous, the leader becomes God’s instrument for their discipline.

We live in the age of revelation, and the Lord has revealed so much to us that this generation of the earth is considered blessed as we are the inheritors of the glorious revelations told to the prophets. Yes, the blessings of the ages have fallen squarely on us.

But if that’s the case why are we still a struggling and suffering lot?

Well, it all goes back to repeating a cycle; a cycle of good leaders under the influence of those who would want to maintain the status quo hence their continued hegemony over limited resources; a cycle of leaders with great potential who for bad and other advise that point to vested interest, fall victim to physical and spiritual infiltration; a cycle of kings or heads of states not laying claim to their God granted blessings in the spiritual realm  through prayer; a cycle of wickedness in high places left unchecked.

The Bible books of 1st and 2nd Kings and 1st and 2nd Chronicles are replete with such tales of the kings of Israel.

Our leader President Bio needs our prayers as it has become increasingly apparent that certain individuals who should be on his side are busy manipulating him and his good ideas for the nation for their benefit, but at the detriment of ‘we the people’ and our esteemed president.

Knowing the president as the hard and disciplined leader that he was in his military and junta days, it is a shock to us to see him being portrayed as being soft for his failure to bring to book all civil and other servants suspected or alleged to have committed gross acts of graft in their service to the people. His present stance must be seen by our very religious populace as him being under some kind of spell.

By acknowledging their deals with demons (whose aims and objectives are always be against the good; or in our case, against the success of this country) that are still in effect today, the obvious pawn or continued sacrifice then becomes the very ones elected to lead the nation to national and international success, our presidents.

Displaying the kind of leadership acumen that was then expected and hoped for but was never seen, Bio handed power back to the people in the 90s. Imagine that we had had one leader between the despot Siaka Stevens, his handpicked replacement Joseph Saidu Momoh and Bio. We were still very much accustomed to the President for Life tradition that was the norm across Africa at the time. For Bio to have held on to power was the expected outcome. Yaya Jammeh and others of his type were still laying the foundations for what would become their decades in power. Bio didn’t do that.

So imagine that after all these decades improving on himself and sharpening his plans for the nation, only to now have the legal mandate and see his plans being foiled by the very people that swore allegiance to him hence the people to work in the interest of national development.

Let us offer daily prayers for our leader.

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