Night Watch Newspaper

Captain Senessie Threatened To Kill me If I Refuse to Join Them To Overthrow The Government -Coporal Kargbo Tell the court

LawLaw Court Building

By Janet A Sesay

Coporal Alfred Methodist Kargbo has on Thursday 25 January, 2024 at the court martial before the judge advocate Mark Ngegba and other panels of judges stated in an open court that  captain Senessie who is on the run pointed a gun at him threatened to kill him if he did not join them to overthrow Madda Bio and his government.

In his testimony lead by state Counsel Joseph Sesay, Corporal Alfred Methodist Kargbo said he is a Military personnel deployed at five battalion Wilberforce barracks.

He recognized the second accused RSLAF 18171922 Sergeant Ibrahim Bundu Kamara as his  is boss in the military and working together with him at five battalion Wilberforce barracks.

He recognized the seventeen accused Leutinant Coniel Charles James Mishkey Yamba that he was their commanding officer from 1 to 26 November 2023..

He recalled on the 25 November 2023, adding that he was on duty in the morning hours as he was the guarding officer together with private soldier Jalloh.

The witness further that he then told soldier Jalloh to rest for two hours as they will be working also at the gate the following day.

The witness said while at the gate he saw one grey and black vehicle approaching the gate and Sergeant Major Turay  who is the RQMS officer at five battalion went towards the gate.

He said he then observe the vehicle to know who was inside and at that point Sergeant Major Turay open the gate for the vehicle to enter.

He said while the vehicle were coming in the searched light at the post go directly to the screen of the vehicle and he saw captain Senessie the field officer inside the first vehicle and after he enter with the vehicle he gave him a signal of thumb and he allowed the other vehicle to enter the barracks and Sergeant Major Turay told him to guard the gate.

He further stated that Sergeant Major Turay follow the two vehicles and they went and park the vehicles near the ammunition store.

Witness Coporal Kargbo said later he saw the second accused Sergeant Ibrahim coming from the quarter and he went to the same ammunition area where the vehicles were parked and later he came back at the gate.

He continue that he then  asked Sergeant Ibrahim Kamara alias American who are those people wearing black and  told him to be patient.

He said Sergeant Ibrahim Kamara alias American went outside the gate and turn his face down at bottom mango of the street and he was standing there for a while

and he enter the barracks again.

The witness further that out of curiosity he went down to where the vehicles were parked and he ask  Sergeant Major Turay again about the said people and he told him not to fear as he is an authority and said that the strangers are his friends and they usually chill together.

He said he wake solider Jalloh and asked him to watch, adding that he is seeing different things happening and  he is observing them.

The witness said he then told  Soldier Jalloh to wait for him at the gate and he went closer to observe and what was happening and captain Senessie came closer to him but his right hand was at his back and he tap him on the shoulder  telling him that he is a gallant man and want him to join them on their operation.

Witness Corporal Kargbo said he then asked captain Senessie which type of operation and captain Senessie asked him about his phone while his right hand was still hidden behind his back and he told him that his phone is in my pocket.

‘He then took two step behind and cock the weapon threatening me that If I did not join them to remove the president from his seat he will kill me” witness Kargbo stated.

” captain Senessie then abuse me that I should pass my ass and follow them to break the ammunition store” he narrated.

He said at that time, two men with marks also join captain Senessie and they were pointing guns at him and so he has no option but to follow them

at the ammunition dump.

He said when they reach at the first guard post leading to the ammunition store they did not see any soldiers and when they reach at the ammunition store they met private soldier Abigail and Corporal Kamara lying down sleeping and he was ordered to disarm soldier Abigail because she was a female soldier and the other Soliders and corporal Kamara was been disarm by the people wearing black.

He said the female soldier was shouting for help and during that period he was little was distance from them and so he ran away and went by the children hospital and and somebody fire weapon close to him and he escape and ran to the primary school.

He further that he then continue running and went to the house of  Sergeant Taylor and upon arrival he knocked at the door and a female soldier private Gevao came outside and asked him what happened and he asked her to listen to the sound coming and he explained to her what happened.

He said captain Senessie told him that they are going to overthrow the government from now till morning.

He said that he then told soldier Gevao to call at president lodge to inform them what is happening which she did.

He said later he went home and in the morning hours he went to their clerk  Mr Lahai and explain to him what happened.

He said later he went to the military police and made statement.

He said they went at the ammunition store and he  discovered that the door was broken and all the support weapons were missing and also a lot of ammunition shells that were fired were on the ground and the ammunition boxes were burnt and there was live bullet also.

He said since that time he did not know where captain Senessie is as he was deployed at five battalion Wilberforce before the incident and after the incident he never showed up for work.

Sergeant major Turay was the RQMS for the five battalion and after the 26 incident he also did not report for duty.

He said on that day he was on duty as guard for that day but was not issues arms and ammunition.

He ended his testimony that after he escaped he did not return again to the guard post because he was not having weapon. He said the second accused Kamara was responsible to issues weapon to them when necessary.

The witness was Cross examination by Ibrahim Kamara on behalf of the second accused Sergeant Ibrahim Kamara and Julian Cole cross examined him on behalf of the seventeen accused Coniel Charles James Mishkey Yamba.

At this juncture the judges advocate said that the day has far been spend and so adjourned the matter to 31 January 2024 for continuation of cross examination.

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