Night Watch Newspaper

CFC Chairman Calls For Peace

National Chairman, Coalition For Change (CFC), Mr. Tamba Sandy has urged the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and the main opposition, All People’s Congress (APC) to create room for dialogue for peace to prevail in Sierra Leone.
Mr Sandy made the peace call in an exclusive interview with Nightwatch at the party headquarters at Edward Lane in Freetown.
“We entreat the President to play the role of a father figure, and we also appeal to the main opposition, APC to calm down and open room for dialogue and let them learn to channel their grievances through lawful institutions,” the CFC Chairman appealed.
He also called on the international community who are moral guarantors to broker peace between the two main parties to ease political tension in the country adding that his party is ready to join in the effort to bring peace to Sierra Leone.
“The present political tension in the country is not good or does not help in the fight against a common enemy, COVID-19 which is ravaging the entire world,” Mr Sandy emphasised.
The CFC Chairman also condemns all forms of violence, and appeals to the people of Sierra Leone to stay away from violence and respect the rule of law.
Mr Sandy also did not lose sight of the responsibility and leadership bestowed by law on the presidency in the maintenance of peace and security of the state.
“We want to remind His Excellency, the President that he is not the President of the Sierra Leone People’s Party but President of Sierra Leoneans. We also urge him to show leadership as he bears the greatest responsibility,” CFC chairman further appealed.
The call for peace and condemnation of violence by the CFC Chairman resonates with that of members of the diplomatic community in Sierra Leone.
Few days back, the diplomatic Community led by the UN Resident Coordinator met with President Julius Maada Bio and similarly called on him to create the platform for dialogue with the main opposition.
The UN family also did not hesitate to condemn the prevailing violence in the country, a situation they said, could scare away actual and potential investors.
CFC Chairman’s position on the peace of the state may not be unconnected to the recent violence that erupted in various parts of the country including the North-western town of Lunsar, the Western Rural town of Tombo and Freetown, the nation’s capital.
As discussions are underway about setting up an investigatory commission in respect of the recent violence, Mr Sandy also urges political authorities to ensure its independence for fair, credible and acceptable findings.
CFC Party emerged as the third force in parliament in the 2018 presidential and parliamentary elections as the party won eight seats and two district councils, Kono and Koidu district councils.
No gainsaying that the party enjoys a big stake in the governance of the state.
The party with the motto: ‘Nation First’ has stood the test time in the country’s body politic through effective and efficient representation of its people in parliament.
In most debates in parliament, the Chairman went on; the party has always taken a nationalist approach so that the people of Sierra Leone can see the real picture.
Lending credence to the Chairman’s statements, the CFC was very much vocal in the debate around the Finance Act of 2020 recently tabled in parliament by the Minister of Finance.
During the debates, one of the CFC representatives made a strong case in parliament about low budgetary allocation made to members of parliament to conduct their oversight and monitoring functions in their constituencies especially on infrastructure.
The situation, according to the CFC parliamentarian, crippled their oversight role so much that people would not be pleased with their work.
Almost all parliamentarians endorsed the CFC submission, including the Speaker of Parliament, Dr Abass Bundu.
In that direction, CFC has always used the opportunity to tell the people of Sierra Leone that COVID-19 is real and must follow all preventive measures announced by government.
Since every political party owes an obligation to its people, the CFC chairman assures its people in the various constituencies that they are doing the work they have sent the parliamentarians to do especially from the opposition side of governance.
Mr Sandy views opposition party within the context of contemporary politics as being complementary to good work of government and being critical to policies and actions that is not in the country’s interest.
“We complement government effort in doing good things for the nation, and critique them when they do something that is not in the interest of the people,” The CFC sums up the role of an opposition party.
As every passing day takes the country closer to 2023 polls, CFC, the Chairman says, remain CFC with a strong determination to take over governance of the state through the ballot box.

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