26.8 C
Tuesday, March 4, 2025


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To be forewarned is to be forearmed but this maxim does not seem to be recognized by the New Direction government.
It is a government which in some respects swerves into the old Direction.
City Peep had warned that camping to beat the system was going on all over the place.
It seems to be entrenched now that it could not be eliminated in a few years.
Education officials involved in the multi-million Leones syndicate pretend not to know what is happening.
They have waited until the system has been well institutionalized.
WAEC officials, examiners, invigilators and heads of schools are all involved.
These are some of the reasons why Sierra Leone cannot easily set above the third position in the world-wide corruption index.
In fact if the surveyors knew about this, Sierra Leone would have had a far lower position.
There is a school in Waterloo where all other students from other parts of the country sit because of their corrupt practices including the police.

There is a syndrome of corruption going on which will be very difficult for the ACC to deal with.
It is one in which poor citizens are asked to bribe before they are given loans.
A typical example is that of one micro-credit institution known as ASA.
Applicants are compelled to give Le80,000 or Le 100,000 for each Le1million loans received.
Without the bribe there would be no loan so the poor citizens have no alternative.
What the ACC can do is to paste up its telephone numbers in prominent places in all micro-credit offices and the NGO will be held responsible for its removal.
Beneficiaries can then pass confidential information to the ACC and the practice would soon stop.
In passing, it should be noted that all these nefarious practices are unknown to the managers.

City Peep has witnessed political rallies in the United States.
The civilized people in that land hold their rallies in the form of what the word RALLY really means which is a public meeting.
They do not go about the streets in vehicles hurling abuses and with machetes to stab passers-by.
Let us learn to be civilized by holding rallies at public meetings and going home peacefully instead of burning houses and fighting.
After the recent rally at Constituency 110 at Goderich the police should have remained for some time to keep guard at the residences of the candidates.
But the fact is that most of the police recruited in the last ten years by the APC are covertly complicit in the whole event and would secretly wish that the SLPP is eliminated, that explains their leaving the SLPP candidate to her fate.
The PPRC does not seem to be fair in banning the SLPP rather than postponing their rally.
Equal chances should be given to all in spite of breaches of the law.
Calling for the release of political detainees is another questionable regulation by PPRC.
Who are political detainees? What is the red line between political and non-political detainees?

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