Night Watch Newspaper

Corruption Grows Fresh Root In Sierra Leone


By Musa Paul Feika

Currently, Sierra Leone is experiencing fresh waves of corruption scandals than ever before and its image battered locally and internationally.

The levels of corrupt practices by men placed in position of trust or run the affairs of state have the tendency to drive away or make investors run away from the country.

Corruption is not new to majority of Sierra Leoneans as it has been there for a long time prompting the setting up of the Anti-Corruption Commission, a body that prevents and investigates corruption in the country.

But, the agency finds it difficult to fight graft owing to systemic failures, bias, selective justice and protectionism.

Such failures strengthen corruption which deprives the people of basic human rights including good water supply, electricity, education among others bringing untold suffering to the people.

After his victory in 2018, President Bio   promised to wage a war against corruption, a move supported by the vast majority of Sierra Leoneans.

But, they have been disappointed as ACC has lost the war on corruption as government officials who should ensure probity in the public service are corrupt.

Only past government officials have been chased in a clear move that showcases punishment of the old guys according to US Ambassador, Maria Brewer.

Abdul Fatorma, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), for Campaign for Human Rights Development International (CHRDI) said 2024 Sierra Leone was a source of embarrassment considering the numerous corruption scandals against officials of the ruling party.

Politicians, he says, are exploiting the people of Sierra Leone to divert money meant to deliver service to the people.

“It is bad and shameful for a state institution, Ministry of Finance workers in the account General’s Department are accused of diverting money  meant for Sierra Leoneans,” he expressed his displeasure.

CHRDI CEO said Corruption scandals  against senior public officials especially former Director of Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation  Joseph Egbenda Kapuwa, Clerk of Parliament shows that the fight against corruption has been somewhat selective.

He said amending corruption law by bringing negotiation for perpetrators in the fight against corruption also undermines the anti-corruption campaign.

The former SLBC Director, Kapuwa who is under ACC investigation now heads the   Independent Media Commission, a body that regulates media institutions in Sierra Leone. It is no gainsaying that such move would kill democracy, transparency and accountability.

Fatorma is also appalled by corruption in the law-making house which, he said, had to set good examples. The body, according to the constitution, makes laws for peace, order and good governance of the state.

Parliament, he said, approved budgets to ensure that public services are implemented for the betterment of Sierra Leoneans.

It is unfortunate that accusing fingers are now being pointed at Parliament for corrupt practices, a body that should checkmate the excesses of other organs of government.

The current corruption scandals in parliament said it would wipe out the people’s confidence in the house.

“It is good to set up a committee that holds public officials accountable for their stewardship,” he appeals as he believes that the country’s glory will be taken back.

The Deputy Commissioner for ACC, Augustine Foday Ngobie said the commission’s mandate is to investigate and indict people who might involve in corrupt practices, but not suspended them.

Commissioner Ngobie admitted that the commission had been investigating several corruption scandals, and the move had been a tough fight.

“The commission needs resources to function effectively,” he said adding that the ACC has no power to suspend people from their posts,  rather they are there to investigate and recover the country’s money surreptitiously siphoned by government officials,” he stressed.

He said it did not mean that when an indictee had refunded the money as in the case of Clerk of Parliament’s wife, Abibatu Paran Tarawally, the case was over.

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