Night Watch Newspaper

European Union Outlines Cooperation Activities In Sierra Leone

Ambassador Manual Alexander Muller, Ambassador Jens Kraus-Masse and Ambassador Aidar Fitzpatricu on the high table

By Janet A. Sesay

The head of European Union delegation to Sierra Leone Manuel Alexander Muller together with the German Ambassador Jens Kraus-Masse and Iris Ambassador Aidar Fitzpatricu have on Tuesday, 16th April, 2024, at the Country Lodge in Freetown in a press update with the media outlined the activities they have supported in Sierra Leone.

Ambassador Muller in his opening statement said the European Union delegation works together with the German Ambassador and the Irish Ambassador to invest as a partnership in Sierra Leone.

He furthered that the European Union remains a reliable partner to Sierra Leone, adding that they relied on partnership with the government of Sierra Leone, the civil society and the people of Sierra Leone.

Ambassador Muller said the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative is to fight against sexual and gender based violence from 2024-2027, for building on the global flagship initiative, adding that the European Union is working in partnership with the United Nations and civil society organisations to fight all forms of violence against women and girls including harmful practices.

He added that there has been a long standing partnership in supporting the country’s efforts to build peace and stability, governance, human rights, gender equality, inclusive economic growth and sustainable security.

Ambassador Muller continued that the strong partnership they have with Sierra Leone is based on share values.

He furthered that in support to democracy, peace and social cohesion, the European Union promotes democratic progress through the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) multi-donor electoral assistance basket fund.

He said with the European Union funding the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance will enhance the integrity and effectiveness of future elections and public confidence in the electoral process.

He said this programme will support electoral reform and the implementation of EU election observation recommendations.

He said in the last EU/SL political dialogue they held in October 2023 with president Bio, vice president Juldeh Jalloh and several ministers of government they saw the strong commitment of the European Union and Sierra Leone partnership.

The ambassador furthered that natural nourishes (2024-2028) cost 90 million euros in resilience building budget support programme which shall include decentralised investments in communities in proximity of protected areas in exchange for environmental protection, preservation and conversation of biodiversity.

He said sustainable food and agriculture value chain development stared from (2024-2030), costs 35 million euros, and this action will support the development of climate-smart and inclusive value chains, building on previous work on sustainable palm oil, cassava and infant food production.

He said it will improve farming practices, develop viable business models for market oriented production and help smallholder farmers to take advantage of market opportunities while enhancing climate resilience and encourage deforestation and free production.

He said they have also held constructive dialogue between the staff of the European Union and the member states where the government of Sierra Leone addressed all areas of shared interest include democracy, human rights and domestic planning.

He furthered that they want to continue to collaborate with Sierra Leone at the bilateral level and also internationally in merge elections, adding that they have good cooperation with Sierra Leone and international organisations including the United Nations.

He said the European Union would like to focus on the importance of developing cooperation with Sierra Leone, adding that when they are in partnership with a country like Sierra Leone they support the country’s efforts for peace and stability and also help in the development of the country’s challenges of reducing poverty, inclusive and sustainable economy growth.

He said the European Union support is in line with the EU brand of cooperation as well as its commitment to inequality, conflict and climate change.

He said in the past years the European Union has been supporting Sierra Leone in different areas like education, agriculture, infrastructure development and has also made positive effects in the lives of the people in the country.

He added that today and hopefully in the future they will continue to contribute to the welfare of the people by generating job opportunities.

He said they focus on women and youth in assistance to the future that are in line for women and youths.

The ambassador furthered that with their support they want to contribute to the implementation of the national union development plan and other areas of development, adding that in particular the United Nations commends the fifth Sierra Leone priority that is focused on the nutrition stability and job creation.

He furthered that as a long standing partner of Sierra Leone they will focus on agriculture and put in the efforts of government in line with the European Union.

He said they also do a programme supporting Sierra Palm Oil and other agriculture areas.

He added that they believe in the power of private sector as the private sector investment is part of the success of all things including the feed Sierra Leone sector.

Gerald Halter, head of cooperation of the European Union delegation in his statement also said what they call the element of partnership in Sierra Leone is the European Union’s gateway Africa Europe initiative and in this cooperation the European Union supports infrastructure development in Africa which helps the transport, energy network and connectivity of Africa.

He furthered that global victory is a public and private partner which resources both Europe and Africa.

Halter also said the business climate and competitiveness made for (2024-2027) with 12 million euros is a programme aimed at enhancing the provision of business development services and its support to the national quality system and promote institutional reform to improve the business environment.

He furthered that the priorities of global victory is that they handle great taxation which means sustainable energy, diversity, land, water, growth, oceans, forest management, agriculture, food systems and climate change.

He said global victory also means investing in digital transition, job creation in private sector development for African economies and diversity.

He said to support in education the European Union signed a memorandum from 2016-2023 which costs 29 million euros and this programme strengthens the institutional and human resources capacity to deliver quality educational services.

He said it reinforced key institutions like the Teaching Service Commission and the District Education Offices, adding that the support provided improved equitable access to primary and secondary education.

He said this programme also includes the rehabilitation of 100 secondary schools in targeted districts like Port Loko, Bombali, Bo, and Kenema, adding that this action is in its final stage.

Halter furthered that human development is one of the key areas of growth and that is why they are also supporting education and health.

He continued that all of this is a European approach, adding that they do an annual union programme with the Team Europe initiative where they focus on green economy, education and environment protection.

He said the transformational energy access budget from 2023-2027 with support of 50 million euros aims to support rural electrification using renewable energy with focus on solar mini-grids and developing the productive use of this electricity to achieve more economic diversification and create employment opportunities.

He said 47km of roads from Moyamba and Mabang and four major bridges in 2013-2015 worth 48 million euros roads have been constructed and Mabang, Magbele, Gbamgbama, Moyamba bridges have been completed and commissioned.

He said additional works connecting Mabang Bridge with Songo Junction are on-going.

He said this they would do together with government and the civil society organisations.

Halter furthered that together with the government they are choosing the best implementation and partners in rolling out their new initiative.

He said last week they signed agreements with the government of Sierra Leone on issues concerning women, adding that the European Union and the United Nations spotlight on these issues to prioritise women and girls in Sierra Leone.

He furthered that this initiative would guide all women and girls in Africa and it will grow partnerships with the United Nations.

Jens Kraus-Masse, German Ambassador to Sierra Leone, said last March 2023 that his government started a new family funding policy which is actually combined with the New Family Development Policy approach and they are now centring their interventions with the Sierra Leone government and other governments on the globe, and also focusing on the gender based equality approach.

The German Ambassador furthered that actually they are putting gender equality first because women and girls are being placed in the centre of the Family Background Policy.

He said having these family approaches will be a match to Europe’s idea of what they want to do, adding that with this combination their re-input cooperation in Sierra Leone will be in attendance and this initiative touches 42 (forty-two) countries in the world.

He said with this new approach his government has decided to have a dedicated cooperation for the first time in Freetown.

He said in April 2023, they and the government started in perfect coordination and perfect functioning of their plans.

Ambassador Jens said today they are trying to be much more focused on the needs of Sierra Leone as their own country.

He said the economy is the key area of support as they have a closed cooperation with the European Union delegation.

He said they will also work in development of agriculture, climate change and job creation, adding that some of this programme involves the sum of 5 million euros.

He said they are also supporting employment, micro, small and medium enterprises, training and access to financing.

Aidar Fitzpatricu, the Irish Ambassador, in his statement said last year they celebrated their 50th anniversary, adding that they have supported huge investments in education in Sierra Leone.

He furthered that they have been having three dynamic development programmes in Sierra Leone, adding that they also help in food security.

The Irish Ambassador said indoors plans have been made for 2024-2028 by the increasing of budgets.

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