Night Watch Newspaper

For Delaying Murder Trial… Judge Disbands Jurors

By Janet Sesay

Justice Monfred Sesay of the Freetown High Court yesterday expressed his dissatisfaction over the behavior of jurors and defense counsel in most murder trials.

He made this statement when a case of murder involving Albert Momoh alias Rasta and his seven children who are standing trial for allegedly killed one Zaioux Sesay at hill cut in Freetown was mentioned in his court.

Justice Sesay further stated that the matter has been in court for two years now with no progress due to the absence of jurors in court.

The defense counsel also stated that it is a matter of law that murder trials cannot be done in the absence of the jurors.

The matter he recounted started on the 21st October 2018 and from then they have had several adjournments which according to him are unfair to the accused persons.

He expressed dissatisfaction and stated that this attitude is disgusting and recounted that this has the tendency to create bad feelings amongst the accused persons for the justice system.

The Offence before the court according to the Presiding Judge was a capital one different from others and that the jurors and all other parties must be present in court to be able for him to speedily hear the matter to its logical conclusion.

The Judge therefore discharged the panel of jurors and makes fresh order for the constitution of another set of fresh jurors to hear the matter.

The Judge has also ordered that the former jurors; James Taiwo King, Foday Conteh and Musa Naikoi who were deliberately absenting themselves from the matter should be barred from taking part in the country’s justice system.

The accused persons in the matter include Daniel Sellu, John Junior Kamara, Albert Momoh, Mohammed Fernando Kamara, Alfred James Momoh, Christopher Sellu and Alfred Sullay Momoh.

They are before the court on three counts of conspiracy to murder, murder and robbery with aggravation.

The indictment indicated that the accused persons on diverse date between 10th and 12th February 2017 in Freetown conspired together with other person unknown to murder Zaioux Sesay.

The indictment continued that the accused persons on the same day at the same place armed with guns robbed Zaioux Sesay one grey LG flex phone valued seven million Leones.

The matter was adjourned to the 1st March, 2020.

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