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Sunday, February 23, 2025

God’s Judgement Is Pending

Must read

By S.B. Williams
God’s judgement can be a controversial topic. However, I know that most Muslims and Christians believe in life after death. Both believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell. But how many are really preparing for life after death?
Some are skeptics holding on to the notion that no one has gone to the realm of eternity and returned to earth. On one hand they may be right as far as the physical body is concerned. But on the other hand they are wrong. Why do I say so?
Man is composed of three components: a body, soul and spirit. The body is just a house for the spirit and the soul which are eternal. That is they don’t die. It is simply said that man is spirit. You are not your body. This is why when one dies the body quickly decays.
Those who went to see the realm of eternity with their spirit spiritual body For hundreds of years until now God has been taking selected people to go and see the reality of Heaven and Hell and return to tell people about the glories of Heaven and warn the earthman about the dangers of Hell fire.
In the Old Testament days two of them were, Prophet Ezekiel and Prophet Daniel, who were taken to the realm of Eternity and returned to earth. In the New Testament days two of them were St. Paul and St. John the divine who wrote the book of Revelations after his wonderful spiritual visit to heaven.
In recent times the following come to mind: Roland Buck in US whose visit to Heaven was recorded in the book, “Angels on Assignment” and Michael Thomas Sambo who wrote the book titled, ‘’An Account of Three Visits to Heaven and Hell”. His lifeless body was lying in the camp compound while on those visits.
I know people in Sierra Leone who were pronounced dead but while their lifeless body was being mourned they were visiting the realm of eternity. They returned and are living today in Sierra Leone.
I wish to mention some of the things Emmanuel Sambo saw and wrote about:
1. In Heaven – he saw and walked on the streets of Gold. He saw the crowns of gold and mansions for true believers. He saw the water of life and the 24 Elders with crowns of gold on their heads and other wonderful things which time and space will not allow me to mention.
2. In Hell – he saw raging fire with people crying and lamenting. There was a boy who was less than ten years old in hell also lamenting and pleading for mercy. Christ and Emmanuel were standing looking into Hell. He asked Jesus to forgive the little boy. Jesus replied, while weeping, that there is no forgiveness in eternity, and that forgiveness is only on earth. Therefore he told Emmanuel that he should return and warn people to repent and avoid sin. Jesus emphasized that he still loved man. He said that he died for every single person on earth but that if anyone dies in his or her sin he or she will not enter heaven.
At a point Jesus opened one hand and Emmanuel Sambo saw a crowd of men and women and children on a way broad road pushing each other as in a very busy market. When Emmanuel asked Christ where they were going Jesus said they were going to hell because they failed to accept him.
Then he opened the other hand and Emmanuel saw a narrow road where it took a long time before one person came up. Jesus said that these were the righteous ones bound for heaven.
Some horrors of Hell
This is to warn people to repent and live a good life.
1. There is no oxygen in Hell. It is fire that people breathe.
2. Some people’s eyes were hanging as if their eyes were coming out of their sockets.
3. Their tongues were hanging out like that of a dog about to die.
4. The fallen angels were piercing their bodies with swords giving unbearable pain.
5. There were also very large worms which would pass through their bodies giving unbearable pain but the fire had no effect on them.
Jesus told Emmanuel that if all the sufferings of the world were put on the head of one man, it will not equal the suffering of 24 hours in Hell fire.
Wickedness of man to man
We are all witnesses of the increasing wickedness of man against man. Murderers, rapists, squanderers of public money and property, etc, are increasing day by day.
I am not attempting to condemn the wicked but to invite them to play safe by repenting and coming to Christ, accepting him as their personal saviour. Remember that there is no-forgiveness or mercy after death.
Christ said there are three things that can take one to heaven and they are TRUTH, RIGHTEOUNESS AND HOLINESS. If you are doubting whether you can make it, Christ said if anyone desires to get to heaven, He (Christ) will help him.
The Bible tells us how the last judgement will take place in Mathew 25. It will not be like the earthly court. I have heard some people say that they will do what they are doing with their fellow men and settle the matter when they meet after death. It will not be like that. On that judgment day, Christ will sit as King on the judgment throne and judge all nations. He will separate those whom he will classify as sheep (the righteous) and assemble them on the right hand side. Then those who have been disobedient on the left hand side as goats.
The judgement will be based on our relationship with our fellowmen from records kept in heaven. Let us look at what the Bible says about our records in heaven and our own personal witness.
1 John 5:7 states “For there are three that bear record in heaven; the Father (God), the word (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost and these three are one.”
So we now know that whatever we do on earth is recorded in heaven. The record will speak either in our favour or against us.
Then there are witnesses against us on earth.
1 John 5:8 states: “And there are three that bear witness on earth; the spirit, water and the blood and these three agree in one.”
The spirit within us, the water within us and our blood are witnesses that are supplying accurate information about us.
So Christ’s judgment will be based on records in heaven and witnesses given by our own blood, spirit and water. We cannot hide from any of them.
The following will be the basis of Christ’s judgement (Matt 25: 31-46)
o Feeding the hungry
o Giving water to the hungry
o Giving lodging and care to strangers
o Visiting the sick
o Visiting those in prison
o Clothing the naked
Those whose records show that they have been doing these things to their fellowmen while on earth will be congratulated and placed on the right bound for heaven. Christ will tell them that what they did to their fellow man was a good deed to him.
On the contrary, those who failed to serve their fellow men on these areas will be placed on the left and directed to hell. Christ will also tell them that since they failed to do these good deeds to their fellow men, it was failure to do it to him.
My brothers and sisters, we are living in the last days. Let us put aside religion for a while and do good to our fellow men, especially those we are not related to.
Let us stop partiality, wickedness and corruption at all levels so that when the time comes we shall not miss heaven. Hell is terrible and it is forever. May God help us to take the right decision.

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