Night Watch Newspaper

Gov’t To Lose Over Le 200Bn.

By Tony Yayo

The imposition of precautionary measures by the government will negatively affect the revenue generation of the National Revenue Authority (NRA) this year. According to the Head of Strategic Communication at the Ministry of Information and Communication, Abu Bakarr Joe Sesay, the NRA will lose over two hundred billion due to the COVID-19 measures being put in place by the government.

While responding to the economic impact of the COVID 19, recently, Mr. Sesay said that the reason for the huge financial lose is due to the precautionary measures being put in place at the airport and other border entry points across the country. He noted that due to those measures, revenue activities at the airport and other border entry points will be severely affected and also that of other trade issues. He also noted that ban on public gathering and stopping operation of entertainment outfits and other social businesses will add to the NRA woos.

According Mr. Sesay, this year’s revenue target for the NRA was supposed to be around five trillion Leones, but that it would be slashed down. He urged business people to pay their taxes so that the government will be able to function properly and also assist other businesses in distress.

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