Night Watch Newspaper

Health Minister Continues Visits To Health Facilities

Health and Sanitation Minister, Dr. Alpha Wurie


By Kadrie Koroma

Continuing his assessment visits to health facilities across the country, the Minister of Health and Sanitation, Dr. Alpha Tejan Wurie this week visited the Kambia Government Hospital to assess the equipment and medical supplies received from the Central Medical Stores and their immediate needs for effective service delivery in the district.

The Minister, Dr. Alpha Wurie and team, including the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Brima Kargbo, was received at the hospital by the District Medical Officer, Dr. Foday Sesay, the Medical Superintendent, Dr. Issac Sesay, Matron Sai Conteh and senior staff of the hospital, who took them on a conducted tour of the various units.

The Medical Superintendent, Dr. Isaac Sesay, briefed  the Minister and team at the Laboratory Unit on the operations  of the unit, confirming that they  received supplies from the Central Medical Stores and that there is need for re-agents including HBs, NPs and other equipment for the lab. He said they only have one microscope with no electricity supply.

The District Medical Officer, Dr. Foday Sesay, explained to the minister and team at the Minor and Major Theatre that supplies were made in the free health care but the quantity and type of equipment in the theatre is not enough.

He said before now they were using pot to sterilize equipment but now they are using Afrigas for sterilization.

Dr. Foday Sesay informed the team that one of their challenges is electricity supplies to the hospital and that only two wards are receiving light through Ebovac, adding that they were getting support from the council but it has stopped.

Health and Sanitation Minister, Dr. Alpha Wurie, said they are in a transition period to get all these places functioning very well as they have one year to complete their target.

He said they have done three months and remains nine months to ensure that all hospitals, peripheral health units and community health centres are well equipped and functional with labs before devolving the functions to the councils.

Dr. Wurie commended the Kambia Government Hospital for their set-up and the only hospital, since his visits to hospitals in the north that is using white beddings.

Other areas visited were the male ward, paediatric ward, emergency unit, blood bank, stabilization centre for malnourished children, and maternity ward, including labour and eclampia ward.

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