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Monday, February 24, 2025

Hypocrisy in Sa Lone Football

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“Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite,” says Charles Spurgeon

Do you know a hypocrite? Do you know that one who would laugh with you and in your absence speak negatively about you?

The kind that would speak niceties about you in your presence, or send you private messages and even call you to pretend they care about you or even respect you, but in your absence would speak or write terrible things about you?

These are the most dangerous people in society and we must identify and disown them.

They are evil!

The hypocrites are those who, in your presence, pretend that they love you, and despise you in your absence.

They would take sides in a dispute against you, and then send you private messages as if they care about you.

They would wait for the least opportunity to tarnish your reputation and injure your character, portraying you in bad image to others.

And these same hypocrites will make frantic effort to deceive you with love pretences.

Beware of hypocrites as they add no value to your life, and mean no good for you.

“The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy,” says William Hazlitt.

In every association, or group or forum you belong, try to identify the hypocrites, there are many of them around, far too many, and disown them. Do not tolerate or encourage them. Every word they write or speak is hypocritical.

If you identify them, let them know they are hypocrites. Call them out and shame them.

The one thing no one needs in life is hypocrisy.

Hypocrites are of no value to society!

I am a friend, not a foe! I mean well!

Credit: Rodney Michael

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