Night Watch Newspaper

Ibrahim Barrie Runs Away From Police Brutality

Declared wanted by the police after July, 2020 protests in Makeni City, Northern Sierra Leone , Ibrahim S. Barrie is currently in Greece seeking asylum there. He is running away from police brutality after protests that left six people dead.

Unofficial sources provide a higher figure of about 20 fatalities. The police were accused of firing live rounds at unarmed and defenceless protesters which led to the deaths. Pathological examinations showed that the protesters died of gunshot wounds.

After the killing incidents, Barrie was accused of masterminding the protests for which an arrest warrant was issued. The police are still on the look out for him.

Barrie who was a social worker in Makeni city initially sought refuge in neigbouring Guinea before he left for Turkey. He stayed for months but later left owing to harassment by state authorities on the expiration of his visa. He considered Europe as a haven owing to its respect and love for humanity.

His aunt, Kiptieu Kargbo’s house was burned down, and beaten to death on allegation of  hiding Barrie in her premises. Barrie’s mother was also arrested and detained in custody accusing her of facilitating his escape. She still remains in custody.

The Protests broke out when government forcefully relocated an electricity generator from Makeni city to Lungi town which hosts the country’s only international airport.

Government said  its aim was  to boost power supply at the airport which was in deep  black out. Although government officials are under fire for the forceful relocation and unlawful killings, they still remain determined to pursue anyone accused of taking part in the demonstration.

Dozens of Makeni youth were picked up and detained in police and prison cells on mere finger pointing. Important stakeholders including the Mayor of the municipality  were also threatened with arrest and imprisonment as they were  accused of incitement.  Sierra Leone is no haven for Barrie at the moment since the police remain on high gear.

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