Night Watch Newspaper

Ibrahim Kamara Declared Wanted

A warrant of arrest is still in force for the arrest and prosecution of Ibrahim Kamara also known as Pascal for violence that erupted in Constituency 110, Freetown on 24th August, 2019.

Kamara is a former parliamentary aspirant under the main opposition, All People’s Congress (APC).

He now stands accused of political violence resulting into the damage of several property including a vehicle that belongs to Honourable Kadie Davies also of the main opposition.

The police are under specific orders to arrest Kamara any country he surfaces within West Africa Sub-region.

It is however clear that the violence was carried out by youths of the ruling SLPP (Sierra Leone People’s Party).

The violence for which Kamara still remains a wanted man occurred during a re-run parliamentary election between Honourable Kadie Davies of APC and Madam Josephine Jackson in Constituency 110 in Freetown.

Hon. Davies was among ten Members of parliament that lost their parliamentary seats in May 2019 after verdicts were simultaneously handed down by two high court judges, Komba Kamanda and Momoh Jah Stevens.

Nine SLPP runners-up were sworn in on the same day while Hon Davies was allowed to re-contest the seat.

During the August election, Kamara was posted in one of the polling stations as a polling agent for the APC candidate, Kadie Davies.

While in due execution of his duties, Kamara was attacked by some SLPP thugs, and Hon Davies’s vehicle was set ablaze.

Kamara was accused simply because he was the driver in control of a vehicle from where the thugs allegedly disembarked and caused mayhem at the polling stations.

Police officers have always been on the look-out for Kamara since the arrest warrant came into force.

His premises at various addresses have been constantly searched to get hold of him.

Sierra Leone is no haven for APC members.

Prominent APC politicians have been incarcerated on weak allegations, and later released without charges.

Former Mayor of Freetown, Herbert George Williams and Abu Bakarr Daramy languished behind bars for months before they were granted bail by a high court in Freetown.

Williams is APC Regional Chairman for Western Area while Daramy is the Public Relations Officer for APC Western Area.

Williams now walks with clutches after his release from the male Correctional facility on Pa Demba Road in Freetown.

Former Minister of Internal Affairs, Alfred Paolo Conteh, a key member of the APC was also locked up close to a year after he was arraigned for treason charges presided over by Justice Momoh Jah Stevens.

Although Conteh was not found guilty of treason, he was held for two summary offences, but later set free by a presidential pardon.

Another key APC member, Former Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs, Dr Sylvia Olayinka Blyden was also arrested and detained when she allegedly published about the insanitary condition of a prison cell where Paolo Conteh was held.

Dr Blyden was detained close to three weeks in a cell at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) in Freetown contrary to the legally recognised maximum detention period (three days).

She was not granted bail at the CID although the offence was bailable. Dr Blyden spent months in prison before she was released for want of evidence.

A warrant of arrest is also in force for Dr Blyden after she was accused of using invectives against Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Mrs Fatima Bio.

Former President Ernest Bai Koroma is not spared; Koroma, on several occasions has faced the country’s anti-graft agency for alleged corruption.

Although no evidence was found against him, the former President is still being harassed.

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