Night Watch Newspaper

In Parliament… Basita Michael Makes Headlines Again

The President of the Sierra Leone Bar Association, Basita Michael, has again made headlines at the conclusion of the three days debate by Members of Parliament on President Julius Maada Bio’s State of the Nation’s address in the well of Parliament on Wednesday.

The Leader of Government Business, Hon Mohamed Sidi Tunis, while making his closing submission on the Motion of Thanks, noted that he admires the President of the Sierra Bar Association for being very brave to point out several issues including constitutional violations and rampant sackings in the country at the Bintumani Conference.

He questioned the stance of the Bar Association on most of these anomalies during the APC regime, noting that it is very much disheartening to see a very important institution like the Bar Association taking political sides.

Mohamed Sidi Tunis regretted that the APC could have used the Bintumani Conference to vent out their anger just as Michael and others did.

The Leader of Government Business also took time to respond to many issues raised by the APC MPs. He cited the deteriorating energy situation in the country, noting that the President has noted in his speech that electricity generation and the EDSA customer base had increased in the last one year.

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