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Saturday, March 1, 2025


Must read

By persistently insisting on shutting down places of worship under the guise of safeguarding the nation from the Covid-19 pandemic that is still ravaging sections of the world, President Bio is being used by Satan as an instrument to promote his agenda of lack of faith in God in an era of increasing godlessness.

While it would have been expected of a godly nation to stick to its guns and actively pursue the works of God in faith to set aside the devastating gains being made by the Covid-19 pandemic, sadly this is not the case at present. And in a society that is as overtly religious as Sierra Leone, where there seems to be a church, mosque or place of worship on every street, one would have expected that our leaders would naturally allow places of worship to open for congregational services for people to call on the name of God in these trying times. Unfortunately, our leaders have chosen otherwise, thereby putting a further dent in the relationship between God and the kings of the earth.

But how should the people of Sierra Leone, who believe that God has and still can save the nation from this pandemic and any cataclysmic event, view this continued action by the Bio led government to close down places of worship and instead turn to science and other advice to keep Covid-19 at bay? Are these actions by our President and his team of advisers in consonance with the expressed faith, hope and wishes of the electorate that voted him into office? Certainly not!

In chapter 2 of the book of Psalms in the Christianbible, the kings of the earth are accused by the Spirit of God of taking counselling among themselves to break the yoke that ties them to God by plotting against the Lord and His Anointed.  The verse speaks of a conspiracy among these national leaders to move away from God and establish their own order of things.

To the initiated, there are ominous signs that the pronouncement of the new NACOVERC Covid-19 induced restrictions is just another step in the general tendency towards godlessness and aversion to all things godly in an era that is increasingly being defined by the widening of the gap between man and his creator. By insisting that churches, mosques and places of worship be closed during these new pandemic restriction measures, the President Bio led government through NACOVERC is saying that the nation does not need God and His assistance to protect Sierra Leone and all living here from the devastation the virus has caused around the world. The irony is all the more glaring when we consider the fact that the countries that we mostly copy our measures from have removed such restrictions that called for the closure of places of worship.

Since the advent of the Christian era, Satan and his henchmen have consistently done all in their power to ensure the scarcity of the word of God by concocting and unleashing any and all sorts of devastation on the world. They have used wars, famines, droughts, legalisation of homosexuality, diseases and other natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes and the like in an effort to demonstrate to the people how less God loves and cares for the world via the huge loss of lives and properties during such events. Working with witting and unwitting collaborators, Satan and his team of angels, kings, presidents and other people in power across the world would execute such plans on an unsuspecting world in the hope of widening the gap between man and his God and furthering the aims of godlessness in an increasingly godless era where morality and ethics have become bywords of a failed and insensitive God that is far removed from the issues plaguing society. Citing a global response that is devoid of putting God first, the Lord God is being made to look highly irrelevant in instances where his wisdom, knowledge and understanding are desperately needed.

Setting God aside, our focus is being drawn to the aforementioned global response that includes financial and other grants from global agencies, health, travelling and other restrictions to show the power of a unilateral or monolithic super world structure over faith in God to solve our most trying moments. This is what our President, through the agency of his established NACOVERC, is doing in a nation where over 90 per cent of the population believes in God. Making the Word of God scarce by not allowing it to be preached from the pulpit, Bio and NACOVERC are unwittingly being used to promote the devil’s godless agenda of usurping God’s place in the lives of all the people that call this beautiful and blessed country home.

But we the people of Sierra Leone do not have to take this sitting down with our hands folded. Going by the numbers and the obvious double standard regarding the application of the Covid-19 restrictive measures, surely the people of God in Sierra Leone, over 90 per cent of us, should have been accorded the respect and right to congregate to call on the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who alone is able to stop, prevent, save and rid the world of this dastardly viral pandemic. There is obviously no justification for God fearing people to be prevented or restricted from executing their godly duties of fellowship with God, and each other. Yes, we have not been prevented from praying, but by being prevented from meeting, a blow is being struck for the ‘roaring lion’ Satan to especially scatter the young and weak flock of the Lord. 

If President Bio and NACOVERC had any respect and consideration for the people of God, they would have allowed us to meet and continue calling on God, who alone can stop this pandemic, as all else have woefully failed, including but not limited to the vaccines that are causing the deaths of many people around the world, including Sierra Leone. The people of God that voted the self-styled Christian President Bio into power have God on their side, and He expects them to lift holy hands in supplication to Him for His love, mercy, protection and faithfulness in seeing this virus meets its ultimate end. 

If it was acceptable for the nation to congregate to welcome our AFCON qualifying Leone Stars without recourse to social distancing, washing of hands and wearing of facemasks; if people can still flood Dove Cut, Eastern Police and other areas known for similar large gatherings such as public transport, schools, Ataya bases, offices; then people of God can surely meet to call on the name of God to continue keeping our numbers low. Surely, the NACOVERC measures cannot be exclusively credited for our continued miniscule number of deaths and cases. It is as if we are being told that we will die if we congregate in churches or mosques, but much safer congregating in offices, Ataya bases, buses, marketplaces and the like.

After having our collective godly faith compromised by leaders who are either wittingly or unwittingly under the control of Satan, the people of Sierra Leone should in the future elect a president that would not water-down the significance of God in worldly or global affairs, but that would rather put Him where He belongs: in the centre/middle of it all. The people will be given the chance to set things right in 2023.          

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