Night Watch Newspaper

“Koita Caught In The Kitchen” -Detective Moosa

Amadu Koita Kamara

By Janet A. Sesay

In his testimony at the ongoing treason trial, Police detective, Fritzlun Joshua Moosa attached Criminal Investigation Department has told high court that Amadu Koita Makolo was arrested at the kitchen of Alima Bangura’s residence.

Led in evidence, by state Counsel Ahmed James Bockarie, witness recalled 4th December, 2023 as he was on duty when he received information about  the fifth accused, Alima Bangura that she was harbouring Amadu Koita, one of the alleged coupists.

Upon such intelligence, a joint team of military and police officers, witness said, left for the accused’s residence at Sumailia Town at about 18:00hrs, and on their arrival, the compound was cordoned off.

“I called the accused on several occasions but could not open the door,” witness told the court adding that the light went off later, and the team raised suspicion that the accused (Alima Bangura) was hiding someone in her house.

“I opened the gate, and we entered the veranda ,” witness narrated, and that some of the windows were opened.

Witness further testified that he tried to open the door but was locked, but a member of the team passed his hand through the window and open it, and they gained access to the apartment and found Alima Bangura in a room with two kids.

Witness also testified that  while she was being interrogated, he  heard a member of the team shouting that there was somebody in the kitchen cabinets. He said the military personnel forcefully removed Koita from the kitchen   questioning his identity but refused to respond.

The witness also continued that the military personnel also brought out a mobile phone he retrieved from the kitchen and placed the accused persons under arrest.

Both, he said, were brought to the CID for further investigation and handed over their phones to the operations officer, Superintendent Alusine Dumbuya.

Witness said he also came to realise that the phone belonged to Koita when his hand thumbprint was pressed on it.

During cross examination by defense Counsel Sigismond Conteh on behalf of the first accused ,  Koita, the witness said three of them were heading the investigation operations. He also said when Koita was Found at the kitchen he could not identify him because he did not know him and had never met him before.

He was also further asked by defence counsel if he had a WhatsApp phone and answered yes and was also asked again if he did not have knowledge about Koita’s picture which was on the wanted list but replied that he saw pictures of names of wanted people but did not know Koita.

He was also asked by defence Counsel if Koita sustained injuries before taken to the police station and responded that he received several injuries because there was a battle between the two sides.

Another witness, Superintendent Ahmed Tejan Salifu acting LUC, Mountain Division took the stand during yesterday’s proceedings.

He said aid on 29th November 2023, he was at the Kingtom police station when he received an instruction from Regional Police Commander, Freetown west AIG (Assistant Inspector-General) Sylvester Koroma that they should send his men at Lumley police station to go in search of Mohamed Jalloh, one of the alleged coupists.

Between 1030am and 11am, witness said, he led a joint team for the said location, adding that they later went to the premises of Bai Mamoud Bangura, former Youth Affairs Minister who they met at home.

He also testified that they introduced themselves and explained their mission, and Bai Mahmoud instructed, the second accused, Mohamed Jalloh to take them round the compound after signing the warrant.

He said almost all rooms were searched and discovered items of police interest in the room of Mohamed Jalloh.

“Assorted military kits like two communication sets, two military caps, one military bag, one pair of desert military boots, one voter registration identity card bearing the name Mohamed Jalloh were found during the search,” witness recounted.

He said they called the owner of the house Bai Mamoud Bangura in respect of the second accused and told them that Jalloh was the owner of the items.

But, witness went on, Jalloh denied that his brother, Sillah working at Wilberforce owned the items although he was not a soldier. He said, at that point, Bai Mamoud shouted at the accused, Mohamed Jalloh as to why he denied being a soldier, and without responding, the accused started crying.

Witness further told the court that Bai Mamoud Bangura told them that the accused, Jalloh was on duty when the incident occurred and he was with the team of officers that repelled the attackers.

He said they were both arrested and taken to the CID for investigation alongside the items which were treated as exhibits, and were tendered in evidence.

During cross-examination by defence counsel, Ady Macauley on behalf of Bai Mamoud Bangura, the witness said he had worked for the police force for 23 years and had wealth of experience. The search warrant was shown to the witness and page two of the document, and confirmed that there was no signature.

He confirmed that the document contained the list of items tendered in evidence and was not signed by Bai Mamoud Bangura, and also was not dated.

He said items listed on the search warrant were connected to the fail coup d’etat, but the seventh item was the APC constitution they obtained from Bai Mamoud Bangura’s room, but was not brought before the court. Ady Macauley’s cross-examination was adopted by other defence counsels.

The third witness, Warrant Officer, Samura also testified in the hearings. He recalled 26th November, 2023 and also told the court that he was at his residence at Goderich barracks when he heard an announcement over a loud speaker that every military personnel at Goderich barracks should report at the military police post.

He said he rushed to the post in his military fatigue, and met some soldiers including Lieutnant Colonel P. B. who sat close to him.

Not too long, he said, he spotted a bike driven by Sergeant Fadika at the roundabout and stopped it adding that unknown person alighted and moved towards the post dress in combat uniform.

The witness said he closely watched the unknown person and came to know that it was Hassan Leigh who arrested in 2021 for impersonating a military personnel.

He told his boss Lieutnant Colonel Conteh that the accused, Leigh was not a member of the armed forces, but was wearing a Sergeant slid, and the accused was told to come forward by his boss.

The accused, witness went on, was also asked if he was a soldier and responded in the positive and also showed his soldier number. According to the witness, it was also discovered that the accused was not soldier.

Witness said he arrested him having taken his photos and   handed him over to the officers in charge of the post.

The witness was cross-examined by the accused himself who was unrepresented. The accused were arraigned for treason, harbouring, murder, misprision of treason, unauthorised wearing of military uniform, shooting with intent among others.

The charge sheet indicated that the accused, on diverse dates between 5th and 26th November 2023, attempted to overthrow the government of Sierra Leone and take over state administration. The matter adjourned to 14th February.

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