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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Lady Jezebel

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There is a lot modern political and other leaders in Sierra Leone, and indeed the world can still learn from the biblical narratives of the kings and queens of Israel and Judah. This fact is a testament to the far-reaching wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the God of creation, who alone is all-knowing, all powerful and lives forever, amen. Suffice to say, God has been directing the affairs of man since He created us, and it would be unwise to treat His counsel with anything but total seriousness.

The story of Jezebel is told in 1 Kings 16 against the backdrop of a weak King Ahab whose wife had led him away from the one, only, wise and true God to instituting the worship of an idol, Baal and the slaughtering of the prophets of the God of Israel. Jezebel had become so powerful she became the real power behind the throne of Israel.  We are still seeing a parallel almost 2,900 years later.

In an era defined by queens who play a quiet and submissive role to their powerful husband kings, Jezebel was soon rebellious when she decided to play a leading role in all manner of state affairs in the Kingdom of Israel under King Ahab. No, Jezebel had to be seen, heard and acknowledged. She became the most active non-elected official in the court of King Ahab. It is safe to say that in a very traditional and dogmatic Israeli society whose government, despite having turned away from God, would still be called a theocracy, Jezebel usurping the order of the day must have been a very trying period for traditionalist Hebrews.  

Also, weak leadership in the Kingdom of Israel resulted to the rise in power of Jezebel, whose first act after turning her husband’s heart away from the worship and reliance on the God of Israel was to ensure that the true worshipers of Yahweh were either slaughtered or made to flee Israel for other places, especially Judah, where Yahweh was still being worshipped. In a country where over 90 per cent of the population believes in God, we kings and those in his good graces running helter-skelter to adopt Baalist ideas of how to stop the devastating coronavirus devoid of calling on the name of the living God, who alone can save the nation from this global killer pandemic.

To complete this godless agenda, the people of God are being forced to desist from congregating to call on the name of God to end this pandemic. Instead we see overreliance on vaccines, restrictive measures and large monetary grants from global financial lenders aimed at stopping the pandemic, instead of faith and dependence on the Lord God of Israel, of the heart. Today, it is a crime to go to church. Yes, it is. Instead of advising Ahab to rely on God, Jezebel insisted on them relying on Baal, who was soundly defeated by Yahweh in an open challenge from the prophet Elijah to Baal’s many prophets.      

The real parallel, however, would be the fear and apprehension that is doing the rounds along the corridors of power in the ministries, departments and agencies (MDA’s), which bring to mind the fear Jezebel had instilled in the hearts and minds of the appointed heads of Ahab’s MDA’s.  So powerful was Jezebel that she used her power and influence to get rid of her political and spiritual enemies, anyone that presented any form of threat or resistance to her agenda. It was such power that Jezebel used to purge Israel of the prophets of God, resulting to even the very powerful prophet Elijah fleeing for safety far from the reach and influence of the king’s all too powerful wife.

Allegedly using bedroom politics and more overt forms of influence on Ahab, who was also known for always having his way no matter the consequences, Jezebel was crucial to the hiring and or sacking, including the jailing and exile of many a powerful men and women in Israel. She told Ahab what to do, and he indulged all her proclivities. Those who were unfortunate enough to get the sack were soon replaced with those that pleased Jezebel. There was a real jousting for her attention and patronage. Heads of MDA’s who knew themselves as not being in Jezebel’s good books were always apprehensive of being fired. They have all come to realise that Jezebel was the power behind the power that be at that point in time. In the palace, it was either her way, or the highway; and many got the highway; or worse, the cemetery, jail or exile.

Indeed, we can learn a lot from the bible, whose relevance will never end. As a matter of fact, any smart leader or person wishing any leadership role should read and soak-in the words of life in the good book. Sadly, after failing to rein in his queen, Ahab’s kingdom was annihilated, and Jezebel met a most gruesome end – she was thrown out of the window by her eunuchs on orders of Jehu, who was sent at that time to relieve Israel of the burdens Ahab had through Jezebel brought on Israel. 

The moral of the story is while Jezebel was powerful during the regime of a weak king, their combination ultimately led to the demise of Israel. Our leaders are advised to take heed to the writing on the wall. There is too much that reminds us of the power and fear of Jezebel today. Lonta!   

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