By Allieu Sahid Tunkara
The expression ‘Lek Salone Lef Bad’ Heart is almost a cliché but still relevant. It looks like an anti-government rhetoric, but it is not.
The expression is a call for loyalty and patriotism, at all times, to the country, Sierra Leone.
It is very much synonymous with the great, historic question of: Don’t ask what the country has done for you, but ask what have you done for the country.
The expression entreats all Sierra Leoneans to do what is right so that national development objectives and aspirations could be realised.
It came from a diasporan Sierra Leonean popularly known as Adebayor who presents himself as ‘Man of the Match.’ This means he goes down as one of the most popular Sierra Leoneans now. His country of residence remains unclear, but a great many people say he is in the European country of Holland.
Granted he stays in Holland, thousands of square miles away from home, his messages of patriotism are compelling and the methods used to pass on such messages are extreme.
To some Sierra Leoneans, he is a ‘Darling Boy’ while to others is a villain. His messages are enveloped in invectives making most Sierra Leoneans to lose taste for his call.
Adebayor could hardly be seen physically, but video footages of his person on social media platforms depict him to be sturdy and fearless. Most times, his messages are perceived to be inciting and inflammatory. Through this program, Adebayor has incurred the wrath of government officials who are poised to make an extradition request. But, he is in somewhere, but nowhere.
At this trying time, Adebayor’s messages are also needed urging Sierra Leoneans to see the need to protect themselves by complying with health measures from government.
The Ministry of Health and Sanitation is the lead ministry to give out information in respect of hand washing, social distancing, and use of hand sanitisers among others to prevent the rapid spread of the COVID-19.
As the ministry struggles to pass on such messages, the voice of Adebayor is hotly needed to tell Sierra Leoneans that the fight against the virus is not political. It is a fight that calls on every Sierra Leonean including other political parties.
It is factual that Sierra Leone has recorded seven confirmed cases, and would not like to go beyond that number.
According to medics, the country initially recorded 974 suspected cases. Out of this number, 374 are in quarantine facilities while 627 have been released safe and sound.
However, conspiracy theories in communities hold firmly that COVID-19 is a manufactured virus. These conspiracies, to a large extent, may whittle down the national fight against the virus for which Adebayor’s voice is needed.
Apart from the current quagmire into which the country has been trapped, the voice of Adebayor has been thunderous in directing his messages to Sierra Leoneans particularly the two dominant political parties which have governed Sierra Leone for decades.
His messages, over the years, have been piercing the ears of young and old, rich and poor, all political parties and other associations calling them to show patriotism to the state of Sierra Leone. The messages resonate with the aspirations of the masses that are always ready to gravitate towards Adebayor.
President Koroma’s leadership style is still fresh in the minds of Sierra Leoneans.
Former President Koroma took over state governance in 2007 from late President, Tejan Kabbah on the platform that he would transform Sierra Leone. He premised his governance system on five thematic areas of infrastructure, energy, health, education and agriculture enveloped in the Agenda For Change (AFC).
In order to achieve these beautiful objectives, former President Koroma assured Sierra Leoneans of an inclusive and corrupt-free administration. The country’s anti-corruption law was strengthened and prosecutorial powers were conferred on the Anti-Corruption, a body that investigates graft in Sierra Leone.
Initially, signs of prosperity were visible. Freetown which was labelled as the darkest city was ushered into permanent brightness. Investors knocked on the doors of Sierra Leone, foreign currency boomed, the country’s security forces, the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) and the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) participated in UN peacekeeping operations making them the envy of Africa, Free health care policy was pronounced for pregnant women, lactating mothers and under-five children.
But, most importantly, the country witnessed the highest infrastructural facelift in Sierra Leone’s recent past. Almost all regional, district, town and chiefdom headquarters enjoy the fruits of AFC.
Further, Former President Koroma also assured Sierra Leoneans of the Agenda for Prosperity being a continuation of the AFC. But, the promise was shattered by the Ebola Virus which struck the country in May, 2014.
However, ex-President Koroma bowed to the pressures of his political party as he appointed a great number of northerners in governance positions as a political pay-back.
Majority of government officials in positions of public trust and responsibility trampled on the principles of good governance, accountability and probity while discharging their duties.
The just concluded commissions of inquiry (COI) findings lend credence to the claim as it indicates that about Le 250,000,000,000 (Two hundred and fifty billion Leones) is unaccounted for. Consequently, President Koroma and most of his government officials risk a five-year ban on holding public office. But, what is more frustrating, the money misappropriated must be paid back or their property confiscated to the state.
However, the main opposition, All People’s Congress has condemned the COI report. The party Secretary-General, Osman Foday Yansanneh is determined to appeal the findings in the appeals.
Almost invariably, The ruling Sierra Leone’s People’s Party campaigned to Sierra Leoneans on the platform of national cohesion, accountability and zero-tolerance on corruption.
They demonstrated their promise through a plethora of indictments of past government officials and the setting up of the COI to investigate governance processes of the former regime especially management of public funds.
However, the current government is also not free from sentiments of tribe and regionalism in appointing ministers, deputies and other top government officials.
Upon taking over reins of state command, north-Westerners who previously held top government positions were replaced with south-easterners.
Just two years in Office, the current government has been accused of wasting the country’s finances through fabulous salaries running into hundreds of Millions Leones paid to their officials. Thanks to publications by Africanist press.
As these forms of maladministration continue unabated, it is clear that the country is torn by turn by the two main political parties the country relies on for its progress.
Thus, Adebayor’s call of LEF BAD HEART, LEK SALONE is not only timely but also compelling and must be viewed with a nationalistic lens and not a lens coloured ethnic and regional prejudices.