Night Watch Newspaper

‘Njala Has Never Benefitted From The National Grid’ -Says NU Pro-Vice Chancellor

Pro-Vice Chancellor of Njala University and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Njala Campus, Professor Bashiru Koroma has disclosed that Njala University since its creation in 1964 has never benefited from the national grid in terms of electricity supply compared to other institutions of higher learning.

Prof. Koroma made these remarks at the commissioning of the site for the commencement of works by APTECH AFRICA and the Ministry of Energy (MOE) towards the installation of a 100KW Solar Energy Project for Njala University Hospital.

He urged MOE representative, Mr. Emmanuel Junisa who is the pioneer of the project to convey his message to the Minister that this is the right time for him to pay attention to Njala University by providing sustainable energy for the institution.

The Pro-Vice Chancellor commended Head of APTECH AFRICA for his commitment in the implementation of the project which is hoped to be completed before the stipulated period.

APTECH AFRICA is assured of the university’s support at all times until the project is completed.

Moving towards that direction, Prof. Koroma instructed the University Energy Committee to work closely with the contractor and provide him with one employee that will undergo some apprenticeship to take over the generation and maintenance of the facility.

The project is funded by the African Union and the New Partnership for Africa Development (NEPAD).

It involves the installation of 100kW solar energy at Njala University Hospital, provision of water at the hospital and Mokonde community, and a drip irrigation facility at the lower nursery of the Horticulture Department of the University.

Director of Physical Plant Services and member of the Energy Committee earlier on welcomed the MOE representative, Mr Junisa and representatives from APTECH AFRICA, the contractors for the project.

The University Registrar, Dr. Muneer Jalloh on behalf of the University Administration also welcomed the MOE representative, traditional authorities, and members of APTECH Africa noting that the supply of energy has always been a critical challenge for the University.

Mr Jalloh says the administration is encouraged by the move to offer Njala University 1megawatt marked by an initial installation of 100 KW. He also entreated the people of Mokonde to be always hopeful that when Njala University benefits they will also have a share.

The Town Chief of Mokonde community, Chief Ngegba appreciated the Energy Ministry and Njala University for considering his people in the initiation of such a laudable project.  Chief Ngegba assured the university administration and staff that the immediate communities would always support every project that is undertaken to better the lives of his people.

Mr. Asteway of APTECH AFRICA gave a background to the process that led to their selection as contractors, and also gave a comprehensive scope of the project. The Project, he says, is divided into three components with 100 Solar Power energy for Njala University Hospital, water component to separately supply the hospital and Mokonde community and an irrigation supply system for the lower nursery of the university.

Mr Asteway assured University authorities that although his company is expected to hand over the completed project in March, next year; they would work hard to hand over the project before that time.

He called for collaboration between his company and the community and University authorities especially in the provision of storage for his equipment and other safety materials.  Dr. Phillip Monya, the beneficiary of the Drip Irrigation component of the project assured the DVC that he would work towards transforming his lower nursery to a market garden system that will serve as an agricultural hub for the marketing of vegetables.

Senior Medical Officer, Njala University Hospital, Dr Mohamed thanked the contractors and the MOE for the 100KW project.

“It was my desire since I came back from the UK to have the University equipped with water and electricity,” he emphasised.

Dr Mohamed assured the community that he and the University authorities as well as the private sector would work hard to ensure that the hospital becomes a center of teaching, research, and referral.

Symbolic handing over of the site to APTECH AFRICA by Professor Koroma forms the highest point of the occasion.

Work almost immediately started with surveying of the land on which the facility at the hospital and the two stand-pipes at the Mokonde Village will be erected.

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