Night Watch Newspaper

Open Letter to Ambassador Hunt et al.

US Ambassador Bryan David Hunt

Date: 5/7/2024

Dear International Community – USA Ambassador, UK High Commission, ECOWAS, AU, and all Moral Guarantors,

Unified Voice of Concerned Sierra Leoneans

We, the undersigned concerned Sierra Leoneans, write to you in unison to address the significant distress and dismay felt by Sierra Leoneans worldwide regarding the June 24, 2023, elections. Across generations and global locations, we are well-informed and deeply connected to the roles you play in the politics of our nation.

The Integrity of the June 2023 Elections

International observers, including the US and UK, have deemed the June 2023 elections neither fair, transparent, nor credible. A BBC documentary by Mayor Aki-Sawyer has vividly illustrated the irregularities, and this documentary has been widely disseminated among Sierra Leoneans globally.

The Tripartite Process and International Involvement

We patiently awaited the outcomes of the Tripartite process, which was supported by the international community and funded by the US government to the tune of $1.5 million. Despite clear evidence provided by the APC party, indicating a 57% vote share compared to SLPP’s 39%, calls for a rerun have been dismissed prematurely by Ambassador Hunt.

The Need for Democratic Integrity

Ambassador Hunt’s stance on not conducting a rerun, even before reports were reviewed, is disturbing. How can democracy be upheld when the losing candidate occupies the presidential seat? Such a scenario would never be tolerated in the US or UK, where swift and smooth transitions are standard practice.

Historical Context and Modern Awareness

We recognise the influence of the international community in our nation’s growth and the compromises that have ensued. John Perkins’ concept of “economic hitmen” resonates deeply with us, highlighting how loans and projects have often served foreign interests over local development.

Economic Exploitation

Debt dependency, resource exploitation, and policy influence have historically undermined our sovereignty. Loans from international financial institutions come with austerity measures that exacerbate poverty and reduce social spending. Meanwhile, our natural resources are exploited with minimal local benefit.

Immediate Action Required

The recent $450 million loan proposition, endorsed before the Tripartite reports were finalised, raises further concerns. Ambassador Hunt, your actions mirror the tactics of economic hitmen, putting our nation in a cycle of dependency and exploitation.

A Call for Fair Elections

We demand a credible rerun of the 2023 elections. Without it, peace and stability in Sierra Leone are unattainable. We have multiple avenues for retribution and will pursue them if justice is not served.

Our Global Allies

We are no longer confined to a unipolar or bipolar world. Nations like China, India, Singapore, Russia, and Brazil are viable partners. The monopoly once held by the UK and USA is fading, and our allegiance will follow the path of justice and democracy.

Our Commitment

We pledge to fight for our nation’s integrity. We are strategically positioned globally and will take action if necessary. This is not a threat; it is a promise driven by our shared dream of a prosperous Sierra Leone.


Ambassador Hunt, we urge you to uphold democratic principles and ensure a fair election rerun. The international community must recognise our determination. We cc this letter to President Biden, Prime Minister Starmer, and all relevant partners.

International Community’s Influence: A Call for Collective Awareness

All Sierra Leoneans, regardless of political persuasion, must recognise that the international community does not prioritise our nation’s best interests. For 63 years, we have endured suffering and underdevelopment, largely due to tactics designed to keep us in a state of dependency and stagnation. If we genuinely desire change, we must collectively acknowledge the detrimental role the international community plays in damaging and frustrating our progress. Only by uniting against this influence can we hope to secure a prosperous and independent future for Sierra Leone.

Final Note

We demand immediate action for a credible election rerun. Our patience is running thin, and our resolve is unwavering.

The Unified Voice of Concerned Sierra Leoneans




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