Orange Sierra Leone has recently launched the Orange Keke Mobile POS in the City of Bo, Southern Sierra Leone. The new initiative is geared towards getting all tricycle (Keke) riders within the District head quarters town to be recruited as Mobile POS.
Many subscribers within the township of Bo have lauded the initiative from the Orange Bo team.The initiative has also received a resounding support from members of the Bo Keke Union Executives and the riders as a whole.
They have told this medium that, just like the PODA PODA,they are frequently stopped by passengers on board in need of airtime to park and buy airtime which caused delay in their operations.
The initiative has been commended against the backdrop that it did not only solved their passengers problem but has also added a multiple income stream source which will further enhance the empowerment of youths in that part of the country.
The membership of the Keke Union has praised the management of Orange Sierra Leone for providing their membership with a platform to empower themselves as well as serve the Company.
The launched was done at the Bojon Street Office and later followed by a float parade around the city of Bo.
Orange Sierra Leone has always been cognizance of the fact that the private sector is critical to the creation of jobs in any country.Thier Orange Money platform has provided a number of direct and indirect jobs for a number of young Sierra Leoneans.
It has boosted the economy and also ensured the easy access of financial services to many Sierra Leoneans in line with the aspirations of the government.
This new initiative would further add to the number of jobs already provided by Orange Sierra Leone for young Sierra Leoneans.
Many Sierra Leoneans have called for the extension of the service to other big towns and cities in the country to further solve the employment crisis in the country.
Orange Recruits Keke Riders As Topup Sellers In Bo City