Night Watch Newspaper

Orange Sierra Leone Supports Sierra Leone Police Call Center

Orange Sierra Leone has on Monday supported the Sierra Leone Police Communications Call Center at Kingtom with equipment to strengthen the effectiveness and response time of the center.
Mabel Mason, Public Relations Officer, Orange Sierra Leone introduced the entourage from Orange and gave the background to their partnership with the Sierra Leone Police.
Danetta Young, Head of Legal Regulations, Orange Sierra Leone spoke on behalf of the Senior Management of the company and dilated on the recently signed MOU between Orange Sierra Leone and the Sierra Leone Police.
She noted that the donation is also in line with the company’s corporate social responsibility to the country.
She recounted that the donation of support services equipment to the twin Sierra Leone Police Call Center is the start of the implementation of the MOU between the two parties which is geared towards providing various supporting services equipment to the organisation.
She stressed the importance of the MOU and the support to the call center from the perspective of the company.
The climax of the ceremony was the donation by Head of Media and Public Relations, Orange Sierra Leone, Annie Wonnie Katta, number of equipment such as thirty giga-bytes mifi with one year subscription, a multi-purpose printer, handling scales and training for personnel of the Police Call Center.
She said the support is geared towards supporting the administrative and operational processes of the Sierra Leone Police Call Center.
Superintendent Sheku Bah Jah Koroma, Head of Communications, Sierra Leone Police expressed the heart- felt appreciation of the Inspector General of Police and the Executive Management Board for the gesture from Orange Sierra Leone.
He gave a brief background to the establishment of the Police Call Center and emphasized the fact that the Call Center is peculiar only to Sierra Leone in the whole sub-region.
Mr. Koroma spoke on the capacity of the call center, noting that it operates on a 24/7 basis and responds to emergency and distress calls from members of the public at all times.
He praised Orange Sierra Leone for readily coming to the aid of the Police which, he noted, was badly in need of such support from the private sector.
Orange Sierra Leone is notable for supporting the aspirations of government in all fields of human endeavors.
Their footprints are very much visible in the areas of education, women’s empowerment, sanitation and health etc.

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