Night Watch Newspaper

Orange SL Helps Muslim Communities In Freetown

Sierra Leone’s leading telecoms company, Orange Sierra Leone has helped muslim communities in Freetown with cooked food and assorted items.

Orange Sierra Leone’s provision of food aid in the Ramadan is unique and interactive. Orange staff participated in the preparation and distribution of the food to members of the jamaat.

The Orange Sierra Leone’s staff workers went to the market together with some members of the Muslim Jamaat bought the condiments and cooked together.

Orange Sierra Leone does not only aim to provide food for the communities but also promote communal feelings and together during fasting.

The entire exercise was done in a family atmosphere meaning that a family that eats together stays together.

The beneficiaries are appreciative of Orange Sierra Leone’s gesture.

The gesture which has already commenced at Dwarzack community be extended to other communities in Freetown throughout the Ramadan.

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