Night Watch Newspaper

Orange SL to Launch Solar Energy Package

Orange Sierra Leone, the country’s leading telecoms company, is set to launch its first ever solar package in Sierra Leone marked Orange Energy.
The package is aimed at providing reliable, affordable and safe solar electricity to various homes in the country.
The package, according to Orange SL Public Relations Unit, will first be on offer in areas without grid especially in the provinces before it can be extended to other parts of the country.
The launch of this new product in the Orange market is aimed at creating a touch point with customers by providing them with the platform for proper and accessible energy usage in line with Orange SL’s availability and affordability principles.
Orange SL’s device and product catalogue resonates with the profound needs of the company’s valued subscribers, ensure children and young people as well as the aged have access to reliable, affordable and safe solar electricity in a seamless manner.
The technology includes a panel linked to an indoor unit that allows customers to access significant amount of power on demand with an easy payment process to be done at the comfort of one’s bed.
With the launch of the Orange Energy Project, the company will again demonstrate its innovative prowess as the strongest provider of telecoms and life changing services in the country.
The strength status is evidenced by the use of digital innovation as its main driver in promoting social and economic development in the country with diverse products and services to meet the needs and desires of Sierra Leoneans.
With the basic and premium kit, subscribers of this product will have the opportunity of accessing electricity in their homes with a flexible payment method that could be done on a weekly or monthly basis or one-off payment depending on the category requested.
Orange SL is a company that is indebted to offer its valued customers a unique, exceptional experience under its flagship programme of customer focus.
Customer experience, enhancing quality of service, business growth and product diversity remain the company’s main priorities.
The solar package which powers up to three utility bulbs, radio, fan and television depending on the option requested has the unique selling proposition of replacing expensive, dangerous and noisy generators.
Solar energy systems do not produce air and water pollution as well as greenhouse gases. Using solar energy can have a positive, indirect effect on the environment as it reduces or replaces the use of other energy sources that pose great threat to the environment.
Orange remains committed to keeping its valued customers ahead through the provision of the latest technologies along with reliable and superior network quality through an enhanced world class system for an unmatched experience.

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