Night Watch Newspaper

Paolo’s Appeal Hearing Commences

By Janet A. Sesay

Appeals hearing of Alfred Paolo Conteh has commenced at the Appeals Court presided over by three judges.

The appellant who was absent yesterday in court will be facing three Appeals Court Judges, Ansumana Ivan Sesay, Tonnia Bernette and Bintu Ahladi.

The appeals emanated from the High Court of Sierra Leone over charges of treason and other related offences for which, Alfred Paolo Conteh and two officials of the Commission on Small Arms were arraigned.

The two officials, Sahr Anthony Sinnah and Prince George Hughes were acquitted and discharged. Alfred Paolo Conteh was acquitted on the treason charge, but found guilty on two counts of keeping a large number arms other than specified by the licence and carrying a loaded weapon in a public place.

The guilty verdict handed down by Justice Alhaji Momoh Jah Stevens formed the basis of the appeal by the defence.

Dr Abdulai Osman Conteh and Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara former Attorney-Generals and other lawyers are still in defence of Paolo Conteh while the state is represented by state Counsels Adrian Fisher and team.

Securing bail for Paolo Conteh who has been in custody since his arrest, but most importantly to quashing the High Court conviction of their client is the main thrust of the appeal.

At the start of the hearing yesterday, the lead defence, Dr Abdulai O. Conteh said it was “lamentable” and “regrettable” that the appellant was not in court.

“Although we would have loved for the matter to commence even in his absence, but it would be injustice on his side,” Dr Conteh told the court.

No reason for the absence of the appellant was offered by state prosecutors.

However, the presiding judge, Justice Ivan Ansumana Sesay having heard the submissions of Dr Conteh consulted with his colleague judges for a suitable date for the proper commencement of the matter.

After the consultation, Justice Ivan Sesay handed down an order to the Director of Correctional Services to produce the appellant in the next hearing.

The matter comes up on 4th August.

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