Night Watch Newspaper

Pharmacy Board Official In ACC Net

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has in a press release issued yesterday, 15th April, 2020 stated that the Commission has indicted the senior Information Technology Officer of the Pharmacy Board of sierra Leone, Abdul Razak Kabba.
“The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on the 15th of April, 2020, filed an indictment against Abdu Razak Kabba, senior Information Technology officer at the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone, and of Wilberforce Guard Room, Wilberforce, Freetown, on sixteen (16) counts of corruption offences bordering on Conflict of Interest, contrary to Section 45(1), Participating in Proceedings of a Public Body, contrary to Section45(2), and Abuse of Office, contrary to Section 42(1) of the Anti- Corruption Commission Act No. 12 of 2008, as amended by the Anti-Corruption (Amendment) Act, No 9 of 2019, respectively,” excerpt of the press release states.
According to the press release, between May 2017 and November, 2001, Abdul Razak Kabba in his capacity as Senior Information technology Officer at the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone, failed to disclose in writing a direct and personal interest in JPS Electronics of No.2 Upper Brook Street, Freetown, a business Enterprise wholly owned by him, and contracted the said business entity for several procurement related activities, including, the procurement of electronic items, the networking of the Pharmacy board of sierra Leone Head office in Freetown, the procurement of two (2) designing software for the Registration and Information department, the repairs of existing Electronics equipment in Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone Bo office, and the replacement of faulty Router attached to the Office of the Registrar of Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone in Freetown.
“Similarly, Abdul Razak Kabba being the Senior Information Technology officer at the pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone, notwithstanding his personal in a procurement contract, unlawfully took part in a decision to be executed by the Pharmacy Board of sierra Leone and the West Africa Health Organisation (WAHO), thereby improperly conferring onto himself an advantage, by participating in proceedings in which JPS Electronics was awarded contracts for the supply of equipment without the said Abdul Razak Kabba disclosing his personal interest,” excerpt of the press release reads.
Meanwhile, according to the ACC, the indictee is expected to appear in the High court Holden at Freetown on Thursday, 23rd April, 2920.

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