Night Watch Newspaper

Police Tender Statement against Footballer for Alleged Theft and Escape from Custody

By Hassanatu I. Conteh

Joseph Koroma a footballer, made another appearance before Magistrate Santigie Bangura of Pademba Road Court No.2 in Freetown, on three count charges to wit Larceny contrary to section 2 of the larceny Act 1916 and two count ranging from escaping from lawful custody contrary to law.

According to the particulars of offence on Wednesday 17th July 2024, at No.75 Adelaide street the western area in Freetown, did steal three 5 gallons of palm oil each costing Six Hundred Leones all to the total sum of One Thousand, Eight Hundred Leones (Le 1,800), property of Samuel Eric Ben Johnson. On Count two and three the accused person on the same date and place being a suspect in the custody and under investigation, did escape from police custody. When the charges were read and explained to the accused person he pleaded not guilty.

Sergeant 3379 Ballay T led in Prosecution Witness No. 2, DPC 19932 Paul K Lebbie, attached at the Western Police Division as an Investigator. He recognized the complainant and the accused person in the matter and he recalled on the 24th July 2024, that he was on duty at his office when the complainant reported a case of larceny and the matter was assigned to him for investigation. On the same date, he said, he obtained statements from the complainant and witnesses.

On the 1st July 2024, he and Inspector Conteh arrested and brought the accused to the station, and that while in custody the accused escaped from custody until on the 7th September 2024 when he was re-arrested and brought to the station. The police witness further explained that while they were trying to obtain statement from him, he again ran away from their custody.

The witness further explained that on the 13th September 2024, he and Inspector Munu and other personnel arrested and brought in the accused person, and they obtained voluntary cautioned statement from him in the Krio language, which was recorded in English language and at the conclusion of the statement taking, it was read over and explained to the accused in Krio to which he admitted to be true and correct by afflicting his right hand thumbprint and was witness by Inspector Munu. The voluntary caution statement of the accused person was produced and tendered in court to form part of the court records.

On the 15th September 2024, the witness added that he obtained charge statement from the accused person using the same procedure as in the voluntary caution statement and the charge statement was produced and tendered in court to form part of the court records.

The witness was cross-examined by the accused person. Meanwhile Magistrate Bangura refused bail and sent the accused person to the male correctional facility in Freetown. The matter was adjourned to the 5th March 2025.

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