By Ralph Sesay
Project Manager, Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, Dr. Orlean Cole, has showcased the massive reforms that have taken place at the bank in the last two and half years to journalists.
Speaking to journalists just after the launching of the Western Union Money platform in Freetown, the SLCB Project Manager recounted that the bank has re-calibrated its systems to make transactions safer and reliable and free from fraud.
He continued that they have changed their core banking platform and have created a robust and reliable one in which those wanting to do transactions with the bank are now thoroughly screened.
Despite the numerous biometric features that are captured by the bank whenever customers want to do transactions, there are also robust systems and procedures in place, according to the program manager, to ensure that customers who make mistakes on their cheques are denied access to their monies until such mistakes are corrected.
Cashiers and other workers at the SLCB, according to Dr. Cole, are under strict instructions to follow the set procedures and processes to guarantee the safety of the accounts of customers of the SLCB.
This, according to him, has made the Sierra Leone Commercial bank safe than ever before for customers of the Bank.
The Sierra Leone Commercials bank, the only 100% owned Sierra Leonean bank, has increasingly heeded to the clarion call by the Central Bank to work towards financial inclusion in the country.
The last two years has seen the introduction of various financial services access points to improve on people’s accessibility to money.
Program Manager Showcases Massive Reforms at SLCB