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Project Fiduciary Management Unit –PFMU 13 Howe Street Freetown Sierra Leone: Tel: (+232-76-672-186) Email: pfmu2018@gmail.com

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Name of Project: Public Financial Management Improvement and Consolidation Project

Credit/Grant Numbers: IDA Credit Number 5350-SL, TF Grant Number 17201-SL and AfDB-2100155027317


Assignment Title: Recruitment of an Individual Consultant to Develop a Training Manual and Training of ATI Officers on the Popularization of the Right to Access Information Law in Sierra Leone


Reference No. SL-MoFED-53323-CS-INDV

Date of Issuance: 5th July, 2018

  • Source of Funds

The Government of Sierra Leone solicited and got approval from the Executive Directors of the World Bank to provide Additional Financing (AF) of US$10.0 million to Sierra Leone for the Public Financial Management Improvement and Consolidation Project (PFMICP, P133424). The proposed AF is an IDA grant to allow for (a) US$3.0 million for the introduction of an electronic procurement (e-Procurement) platform within a new Component 1, (b) US$4.5 million to address the funding gap associated with implementation of the Integrated Taxation Administration System (ITAS) within the new Component 1, and (c) US$2.5 million for the introduction of new activities around open and big data and scaling up of non-state actor (NSA) support within the new component.

1.1  Introduction

Since the passing of the RAIC act in 2013, there have been numerous challenges to its implementation especially with MDAs and the general citizenry who know little about the provisions of the RAIC Act. The act makes provision for key aspects that are very critical to the rolling out of the national infrastructure for the promotion and institutionalization of the Right to Access Information as a critical component of governance, accountability and service delivery.  This act guarantees the rights of citizens to access information and provides for the proactive publication of information by public authorities.  It further requires all sectors of government to adopt and disseminate plans to publish their records.  These type of information includes annual budgets, financial reports, contracts, concessions and other relevant information for public access.  This strengthens the act as the fifth strongest in the world as analysed by the Centre for Law and Democracy. It further establishes the RAIC’s duties and powers to monitor and report on compliance with the law and carries out investigations in situations of non-compliance with the law, order release of information or lawful redress (Section 32 3-4.  Amongst others Section 32(5) “a person or authority dissatisfied with an order made by the Commission (…) may appeal to the High Court within twenty-one days of the order.”.

In addition, the act provides for every public authority to appoint public information officers that will have the responsibility to provide requested information for his/her agency within the time line limit of 15 working days.  This has been a huge challenge in rolling out the act by the Commission.  Presently, a number of MDAs have not been able to appoint public information officers that will be responsible for providing information requested by the public, though some MDAs have appointed information officers, records managers, archivists and ICT personnel to be able to perform this role.  In some instances, it has been observed that even those appointed are not given the relevant logistical resources and policy requirements for them to undertake these functions.  Attempts have been made by some institutions to provide basic hands on training that were not sustainable and very adhoc.

2.0 Objective(s) of the Exercise

The specific objectives of the activity are as follows:

  1. To provide support for the RAIC in popularizing the RAI Act to all levels of state and non-state actors.
  2. Ensure compliance of public officials to the RAI Act, by either proactively providing information, or on request
  3. Educate citizens and promote citizens use of their rights to access information as enshrined in the Act, and the process for obtaining information from public authorities
  • Provide the citizens an interactive website for access to information
  • Ensure that the access to information (ATI) officers at MDAs are properly trained to access and disseminate information
  • Validate regulations of the RAI Act
  • Scope of Services

More specifically the consultant shall provide the following principal services:

  • Undertake the development of a training manual on the RAI Law
  • Train ATI Officers
  • Facilitate the multi-sector forum on the RAI Act


  • Methodology/Implementation Arrangements

The requirement for the training is an Individual Local Consultant

  • Training will be conducted in the form of a workshop

2.3 Expected Outcome

  • Improve performance of ATI Officers in the implementation of the RAI Act
  • Improved service delivery
  1. Requirement for key Staff

Individual consultant must meet the following academic and related experience requirements:

  • Minimum MSc degree in the social sciences from a recognized university with a minimum of seven (7) years working in law or related fields
  • Must have vast experience in Information Education and Communication
  • Must have at least three (3) years’ experience in developing training methodology and conducting workshops
  • Must have excellent writing, research, analytical and communication skills
  • Must have experience working with government institutions


4.0       Deliverables/Output

  • A detailed work plan and training guide submitted (both electronics and hard copies)
  • Prepare workshop report and lessons learnt encapsulated

4.1.      Man-Day input for Key Personnel

The total number of man-days inputs for the Individual consultant is ten (10) days is shown in the table

5.0       Reporting Communication and Coordination

The consultant shall report directly to the Programme Coordinator-PFMU. However, all technical issues concerning the assignment shall be addressed through the Commission. In addition, Commission shall give approval on any report submitted by the consultant before payments are made by the PFMICP.

5.1       Location

The assignment shall be executed in the Western Rural District

5.2       Language of Assignment

All reports and official communication of the assignment shall be in English

6.0       Facilities, Data, Documents and Services to be provided by Client

The client shall provide the following:

Official documents and information needed for the performance of the assignment. However, the shortlisted and most responsive consultant should bring along his/her own laptop computer and all tools and equipment necessary for the performance of the assignment.

7.0 Selection Criteria

The short listing criteria are:

  1. Individual Consultant’s experience relevant to the Assignment
  2. Competency/Qualification of the Individual Consultant relevant to the Assignment

This REOI will lead to the preparation of Short list of Consultants

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IDA Grants by World Bank Borrowers, (January 2011). (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

The Consultant will be selected in accordance with Individual Consultant (IC) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.


Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 0900 to 1700 hours Sierra Leone time.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below in person or on the

e-mail stated below on or before Wednesday 18th July, 2018.


The Programme Coordinator

Project Fiduciary Management Unit -PFMU

Ministry of Finance

13A Howe Street-Africanus House (Former World Bank Building)

Freetown, Sierra Leone


Attn: The Secretariat, PFMU

Tel: +232 76-672-186

E-mails:  pfmu2018@gmail.com

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