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Monday, March 3, 2025

“SIERRA LEONE WILL NEVER CHANGE!” *But God is able; He’ll bring about real, lasting change

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It has come to the attention of this medium that certain sceptics, men and women belonging to those privileged to rub shoulders with those in power have been saying that “Sierra Leone will never change”. These people who wish that Sierra Leone remains in this decadent state of development are failing to realise that God is able to change any situation.

As the author of life and controller of the destiny of man and nations the Lord is able to turn our situation around. He will bring about real and lasting change. Going by the experiences of the past five years that have opened our eyes to the realities of public and or state leadership, the Lord is about to do a wonderful thing in Sierra Leone, one that will keep ears tingling with excitement as the change will be felt from its onset.

In a nutshell, God’s change is imminent in Sierra Leone.

Going back to the Christian Bible for inspiration, the nation of Israel was enslaved by a Pharaoh who knew nothing about the role the people of Israel had played in rescuing Egypt and the known world from a previous famine and national collapse.

After hundreds of years in bondage the nation of Israel was full of pessimism that their situation will never change and that they will always be slaves in Egypt. But God, the author of our fate and the master of our destiny, had a plan to rescue Israel through the hands of Moses, his chosen servant for the purpose.

But despite the miracles that God was performing through Moses, Pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites go. Pharaoh’s fear was that if he let Israel go; where was he going to find ready, cheap and free labour to build his dream city of Ramses?

At the end, with the last of Jehovah’s ten plagues that saw the deaths of the first born among men and animals belonging to Egypt, Pharaoh finally decided to let the Israelites go.

Now, what does this has to do with Sierra Leone? A lot! Just as in Israel in the days of Moses there were Israelis who had been slaves for so long and had designed ways of bettering themselves during and under such hardship and suffering who were against Moses wanting to free the Israelites. They were some of the most vociferous individuals speaking against and confusing the people about Moses, reminding them that Moses will not be able to take care of them the way Egypt had in the desert.

Because they were benefitting directly from Pharaoh, and despite still being slaves, such men and women were fine with being enslaved. They had gotten so used to hardship, suffering and violence from Egyptian soldiers that they no longer believed in God’s saving grace and rescue. But Jehovah had a different plan for Israel, just as he has plans for Sierra Leone.

It is God that establishes and deposes kings and leaders. However, despite this knowledge some elderly people in Sierra Leone, writers, opinion leaders, orators and the like are all over the media saying that “Sierra Leone will never change” in an attempt to discourage the people from hoping and still advocating for change from the top or from above to be cascaded to the very least man or person among us.

God does not work like man works and he does not do things according to man’s timing and dictates. In God’s way of doing things, there is a right time and place for everything under the sun. Nothing happens before or after, but always on God’s timing, especially change.

When Pharaoh finally decided to let the nation go, it was based on God’s time. As we sleep and wake up as humans we do not know and are not assured of ever waking up in the morning. Every day, even at this very moment, someone is dying a horrible death, someone is also giving birth, while someone’s home is on fire, with another yet involved in a bad accident. All these things happen every day around the world. Just because they don’t happen to us does not mean that they don’t happen. Who feels it knows it.

It also the same for those who are saying that Sierra Leone will never change in the hope of discouraging the people from hoping for and demanding change in the manner and way in which we are and have been governed. Change is the work of God Almighty, not of man. The Lord can end life in a matter of seconds, or give life back to the dead just like that.

This tells us that no one can say this country will never change. It should also encourage the people of Sierra Leone that no matter how long we will have to struggle because some people are impervious to change, at the end of the day the Lord will rescue us as he rescued Israel out of the powerful hands of King Pharaoh. There is not a situation or condition that this country has experienced that is too difficult for the Lord to solve; He is able and will change this country.

Sierra Leone, like Israel, was not created and established by Sierra Leoneans, it was established by the Lord God Almighty. Therefore there is not a pastor, no imam, no medicine or juju man, no herbalist that can tell you or predict that Sierra Leone will always be like this and there is no prospect for change. God will one fine day send somebody to rescue this country and change things for a new beginning. No matter our condition, it cannot be as bad as the Israelites under Pharaoh. Regardless, no matter the condition God is able to fix Sierra Leone, only if we allow him.

It is only selfish Sierra Leoneans close to power who only think about their own interests that will say Sierra Leone will never get better. But they should know that state power does not last forever. There is a day and time for all great men and women to meet their end hence their maker. Whatever happened to men like Siaka Stevens, Jacob Zuma, Foday Sankoh, Alpha Conde, Yayah Jammeh and the like? Such men came and left the scene as they came but the Lord’s country and people still continue on to inevitable change.

Therefore, if you are a president, MP, minister or head of departments and agencies that don’t believe or think that this country will change, and want to be in power forever, God who had you put there will have you removed. It is either you go in peace, or you will go in pieces or infamy. Nobody wants to be infamous as infamous people end up in The Hague.

Real power and change comes through the votes of the citizens as they are directed by God. It is the same God that can allow the international community to either bail you out or withhold their sponsorships.

When the day of the Lord comes for change to happen in Sierra Leone, everyone will benefit. His change benefits all and sundry not just those close to those in power with all their appointment, command, order and other powers vested in their public positions of trust.

Only those benefitting from our backwardness will ever say “Sierra Leone will never change”. God has decreed change; we are only waiting for the right day and right time for the change maker to be unveiled. Lonta!

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