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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sierra Leoneans… “HAVE FAITH IN GOD” -Dr Samura Kamara

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In all his public speeches and people say even in his private capacity, Dr Samura Kamara has continued to encourage Sierra Leoneans to have faith and that God will soon deliver the nation in His act of justice.

There is rumour of an expected split in the main opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) after it was discovered that the party leader and frontrunner Dr Samura Kamara did not attend a recently held NAC meeting of other party heavyweights.

The palpable divide in the party relating to those that would want to put the 2023 elections behind them and prepare for 2028 that are calling for the good doctor to step aside and make way for a new executive when juxtaposed to the leader’s fight to ensure that electoral justice is achieved in our body politic at the very conclusion of the tripartite process, according to grassroots APC supports and his many other admirers, would require Dr Samura Kamara to continue displaying the faith in God that he professes so often in all his public speaking and private moments.

In a show of support, young people and party stalwarts from near and afar that believe in Dr Samura Kamara’s fight to restore the votes that were stolen by the electoral commission and conferred on the incumbent candidate not limited to the various APC branches in the diaspora have confided in this medium that no matter what the present reality that Dr Samura Kamara should be reminded of the end of the “Have Faith in God” song that says, “Wonderful things will happen to you, if you have faith in God.”

“No matter the hurdles or how insurmountable they seem, the Lord will give Dr Samura Kamara the strength to scale this wall. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.

It is our hope that the embarrassing way the incumbent candidate, that is the president, won the June 24 vote is a stain on us all because others are seeing the height of corruption and stealing that is so rampant in Sierra Leone in the president for accepting a victory for which all the people he is rubbing shoulders with at all these international events see him as part and even head of an elections thievery cartel that orchestrated the stealing of the people’s true will and mandate. They don’t respect him or us as a people.

They put up with him because they are waiting for the end of the tripartite process. Publically the president is talking tough and presenting an image that all is well but privately at those closed door meetings he is under pressure to step aside and allow for the true winner of the June 24 vote to lead the nation,” said our source in one of the powerful APC diaspora groups.

The ardent believers in the application of the rule of law and democratic good governance reminded and encouraged Dr Samura that the Lord is just and right and that it is his job to make the crooked paths straight, to undo whatever is or was made twisted and expose whatever has been hidden. In other words, it is the Lord who reveals whatever is whispered in the ears, causing them to be proclaimed from the rooftops.

“No matter how long it takes at the end of this fight to ensure that the right thing is done and encouraged in Sierra Leone’s electoral processes, victory will be won on behalf of the people.

A lamp that is lit cannot be hidden under a table; it will and must be put on the top, where it will give light to all. Dr Samura Kamara is that light and he will get to shine, no matter the dark forces of corruption, strange statistics, mathematical manipulation and state machinated violence, town hall meetings and textbooks, the Lord will not allow for those that have murdered our people across this land and for manipulating our will as expressed in our votes to go without them facing justice.

We have allowed for impunity to go unchecked for too long. Such people will not continue to occupy God’s seat for his anointed. This is the faith that we have and is also the faith of Dr Samura Kamara,” a member of one of the Europe based APC diaspora groups said in a conversation.

The admirers of Dr Samura Kamara who say they are 100 per cent behind and in support of his advocacy reminded the party leader that if he is faithful and does not give up, God will eventually restore him to the position of honour that he has been temporarily robbed of. The learned doctor is reminded of how God restored David back to his throne and even how Solomon also came to occupy the throne of Israel based on his father David’s wish despite all the issues that were at play.

“Today, as we and all the people from around the world who are following this process await the disclosure of the results that have been long hidden that will shed light into who really won the 24 June 2023 presidential vote, we assure that they will not be hidden forever no matter what defiance or trickery the chief electoral commissioner employs. There are others who had RRFs from all the polling stations apart from the electoral commission, the SLPP, and the APC. The APC had limited access to all the polling stations especially in the SLPP strongholds.

But we all know who the winner is. This door will not remain closed forever and will soon be opened,” said a member of a local grassroots organisation that supports Dr Samura Kamara.

The female supporter of the main opposition leader encouraged him to have faith; that the Lord can open doors that have been locked; that the best of human barriers or shields is child’s play to the Lord. She continued: “In our faithful walk with the Lord, we will always finish first.

In his determination to get to the bottom of the 24 June 2023 vote tallying president-elect Samura Kamara will be vindicated and this truth will set the whole nation free, even those that manipulated the vote tallying, as the rightful victor of the vote will ultimately be revealed. Wonderful things will happen to Dr Samura Kamara since he has faith in God.”

Also making a salient point a member of the North America APC diaspora encouraged his fellow partisans that Sierra Leoneans will soon see something that has never happened in our history; as never before in our electoral history has a presidential election result announcement been set aside and a president made to vacate office for the actual winner whose victory was almost stolen.

“While he presents an outward façade, veneer and image that all is well with his town hall textbook – remember what Kadiru Kaikai said about his threat not being about town hall or textbook? Imagine that three days later there was a town hall meeting and a produced textbook or magazine, hmmmm – but behind the scenes president Maada Bio is under great pressure as all indications point to him being informed by the international community – if it has not already happened – that the result his chief electoral commissioner announced was wrong and that Samura Kamara is the actual winner on the day. At the end of the day electoral justice will be accomplished and the people will be better off with their choice of leader installed and his plans to rescue our shattered economy unleashed to free the country from the six years of hardship, suffering, corruption, and violence.

Under a Dr Samura Kamara presidency national cohesion, peace and real infrastructural development will all take centre stage as the rule of law, especially procedural law, will be restored. Never again will we allow for the actions of one man and the ambition of another to take the country to the brink,” assured the North America APC diaspora member.

Wonderful things will happen to you when you have faith in God!

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