Night Watch Newspaper

SLPP Strongholds are perishing… What is the Game Plan?

Reports coming from the SLPP strongholds are indicative that people in those areas are perishing and have nothing to show for supporting the SLPP New Direction Government.
It is a fact that, the share of the national cake in most African Political Systems is often skewed to the party strongholds.
Former President Ernest Koroma who attempted to share the infrastructural projects across the country during his ten years in office has also been accused of allocating a fair share to the APC strongholds of Magburaka, Makeni, Port Loko, Lunsar and Lungi.
The last ten years saw the rolling-out huge electricity, roads and many more other infrastructural projects.
Supporters in these strongholds were satisfied from day one that they were well seated in their government.
Even though governments are increasingly concerned that such skewed distribution of the national cake and positions of trust does not in any way promote national cohesion, it is a political reality that every ruling party must live with.
The situation in the SLPP strongholds of Bo,Kenema and Kailahun is deteriorating.
In Kenema and Bo there are persistent electricity power cuts.There is no seeming end in sight to this problem.
Some media handlers operating so-called government mouthpiece newspapers had once loosely defended that government is raising very little in terms of electricity bills in Bo and Kenema and hence heavily relies on subsidies to help keep Bo and Kenema with electricity.
This they have maintained noted is unsustainable for government.This was implying that these areas should continue to have power-cuts just because government cannot meet the over three billion Leones spent on generating power to these areas for the month.
This notion was true economically but politically disastrous considering the geo-politics of Bo and Kenema. A Government that is committed about the welfare of its people would go the extra mile just as they did in Freetown to keep the lights on in Bo and Kenema as whatever cost.
The situation in Kenema, Kailuhun, Bonthe, Moyamba with regards various stalled road and other infrastructure projects and the lack of other basic amenities is serious and deserves immediate actions.
The people of Kenema are definitely in haste with regards enjoying the much needed development. The Chief Minister and other people from Kenema who now have the lion share in the Bio government have openly stated that this is the time for Kenema.
Transforming the above into the reality is a whole issue on its own.
The New Direction government is coming under a barrage of criticisms from within its grassroots in Freetown and their opposition strongholds for pushing far away from them.
President Bio should cut down the protocols and busy schedules to understand what is happening.
The bureaucrats around him such as the Chief Minister, Keketoma, PK. Muana and many others do not understands what obtains in the grassroots politics. It is no doubt that the President enjoys huge confidence from the party’s grassroots and sustaining this is very critical.
Mr. President there are grumblings at your strongholds that Ministers and other political appointees do hide themselves whenever they are in the provinces.
It is reported that the loot from the state is only shared among close relatives and friends.
Mr. President your people are asking what is the game plan? They are calling on you to watch the clock as it fastly ticks to 2023.They are reminding you that the bureaucrats around you have stable families in the US and the UK and always have options to return to these places hence things are not favourable.
It is time for change of strategy the grassroots are losing patience.

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