Night Watch Newspaper

Stolen Elections… ‘Coup Against The State’ -Dr Samura Kamara

Presidential candidate of the opposition, All People’s Congress (APC), Dr Samura Kamara sees as a coup, the false declaration of Julius Maada Bio President of Sierra Leone. He said, what President Bio and his government had been claiming was not victory.

Kamara lashed out at Mohamed Konneh, head of ECSL (Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone), a body mandated by law to conduct and supervise elections in Sierra Leone for the unprecedented fraud.

The election chief, Kamara said, awarded seats to SLPP candidates in areas where, in his estimation, SLPP (Sierra Leone People’s Party) would never ever dream of winning except by rigging.

He made the submissions during a Press conference held yesterday at APC headquarters in Freetown.

APC, kamara says, rejects the blatant electoral coup and usurpation of Sierra Leoneans’ will.

“We cannot accept an illegitimate takeover of government either by use of arms or fraudulent means,” he reiterated the party’s stance.

APC  and the people of Sierra Leone, he went on, could not allow themselves to be subjected to a premature end of the country’s hard-earned democracy by a President and regime that wanted to retain power despite an abysmal five years record of bad governance, unprovoked human rights violations, several uninvestigated extra-judicial killings among others.

 Government, he says, is also overseeing an economy that is now on the brink of an irreparable collapse.

Kamara maintained that what had happened to Sierra Leone since 2018, and, in particular, on June 24 was not how democracy and politics should thrive in any civilised context.

He stressed that before, during and after the election, their people have suffered politically, socially and economically losing their dignity, property and relatives; being displaced, and forced to live in constant fear, or hiding from their neighbours.

“I need not rewind the clock back to the trials and tribulations APC and its supporters have endured during years of Paopa regime. Our journey under the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio has been fraught with unprecedented challenges each one testing our resolve and commitment to restore development momentum, social justice and democracy. I feel your pain, as I remain shocked at the length the Paopa regime’s desperation has been stretched, just to remain in power,” he asserted.

Dr Kamara disclosed that in this context, as APC Presidential candidate, on whom the security, future and direction of Sierra Leone lie,  he  would not accept Konneh’s results.

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