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Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Must read

By Felix Khonte

There are beliefs or suggestions claiming that the Lord Almighty bestowed on humanity several different dispensations of fortunes in our lives journeys. It starts from the dispensation of the “human innocence in the Garden of Eden”, involving (Adam and Eve, in Genesis Chapter 3 verse 6), and to the dispensation of the belief that, “when the kingdom of God will finally come”, in (Mathew Ch. 6 verse 10). To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven (Ecclesiastes chap.3 ver.1).It goes with these three cardinal principles of: ‘your time has passed, your time is now, and your time has not yet come’. “THEY HAVE HEARD THAT I SIGH: THERE IS NONE TO COMFORT ME: ALL MINE ENEMIES HAVE HEARD OF MY TROUBLE; THEY ARE GLAD THAT THOU HAST DONE IT: THOU WILT BRING THE DAY THAT THOU HAST CALLED, AND THEY SHALL BE LIKE UNTO ME. LET ALL THEIR WICKEDNESS COME BEFORE THEE; AND DO UNTO THEM, AS THOU HAST DONE UNTO ME FOR ALL MY TRANSGRESSIONS: FOR MY SIGHS ARE MANY, AND MY HEART IS FAINT”.(Lamentations chapter 1 verses 21-22 respectfully).

These emerging concepts of psychological perceptions of unpatriotic, crude and uncivilized kind of politics currently on display in our society has a tendency to kill the very fabrics of the democratic gains we have achieved over the past years after the end of the rebel war.  Unpatriotic people will want to dismiss our opinions that we are “Harping On The Same Strings”, that is to say, repetition of the same subjects or issues. Quite naturally, these are the topics of the moment and we must delve into them comprehensively and conclusively until sanity returns to our nation. Too much lies have been spoken in our society and it is on the bases of these slanderous statements that we have found ourselves where we are today: a nation caught up in the dilemma of rhetoric and falsehood! “ARISE, CRY OUT IN THE NIGHT: IN THE BEGINNING OF THE WATCHES, POUR OUT THINE HEART LIKE WATER BEFORE THE FACE OF THE LORD: LIFT UP THINE HANDS TOWARD HIM FOR THE LIFE OF THY YOUNG CHILDREN, THAT FAINT FOR HUNGER IN THE TOP OF EVERY STREET”.(Lamentations chapter 2 verse 19).

“If You Rejoice Over Injustice Because It Favors You, One Day You Will Cry For Justice And It Will Avoid You”! This is a strong advice to all those who are watching and condoning the injustices that are been perpetrated in this nation and remain quite. For it is said that those who watch at injustices been committed to another person without saying anything are also guilty of the same offences as the perpetrators. These people from the same party, who used to call themselves ‘Comrades,’ are today being referred to as the ‘laughing stock’ amongst civilized nations that is clandestinely leading them to their long downfall. This apple of discord that has been planted in the All Peoples Congress APC, by a set of greedy and selfish bunch of politicians of our generation; who are ‘running with the hare and hunting with the hound’. They have been in this crusade of ‘baptismal fire’ since 2018 elections that erroneously gave president Bio the victory. THE ELDERS OF THE DAUGHTER OF ZION SIT UPON THE GROUND, AND KEEP SILENCE: THEY HAVE CAST UP DUST UPON THEIR HEADS; THEY HAVE GIRDED THEMSELVES WITH SACKCLOTH: THE VIRGINS OF JERUSALEM HANG DOWN THEIR HEADS TO THE GROUND. (Lamentations chapter 2 verse 10).

“Where ignorance is bliss, it’s folly to be wise”. To put it more moderately and explicitly, it is foolish to try to educate people who are happy to remain in their state of ignorance. But for the background of this topic, these gangs of conspirators of the executive of the APC are not novices in our current political dispensation. They have been witnesses to very ugly things that we went through in this nation since 2018. The spate of killings, the cramp down on opposition politicians and supporters, the enactment and passing of very obnoxious laws during the period leading to the June 24th 2023 elections, was an eye opener for them to realize that there was something dubious in the echelons of the ruling government. It is not a hidden secret that some executive members of the Sierra Leone Peoples Party have been making very threatening statements that they will never hand over power to the All Peoples Congress Party. And indeed, the hired man to come and do the bidding, Mohamed Konneh, the Chief Electoral Commissioner, executed that enterprise of fraudulence, autocratic and despotic by announcing and declaring president Bio as the winner of the presidential elections on the 27th June 2023. JUDAH IS GONE INTO CAPTIVITY BECAUSE OF AFFLICTION, AND BECAUSE OF GREAT SERVITUDE: SHE DWELLETH AMONG THE HEATHEN, SHE FINDETH NO REST: ALL HER PERSECUTORS OVERTOOK HER BETWEEN THE STRAITS. (Lamentations chapter 1 verse 3).

“The truth is very expensive and very rare, and the cloth that the truth wears is lies. You have to go deep down and down into the pitch of the lies, to get to the bottom of the truth”. Looking at our current situation where the Bible clearly tells us not to bear false witness against another person, this axiom has been entrenched in our society and put on display. Lies have been in existence since time immemorial, but in our country today, it has become an institution where truth has been slaughtered at the mercy of pathological-liars, irate greedy and self-aggrandized political boot lickers. The truth corresponds with the reality, and what was the reality? There was an election conducted in Sierra Leone on 24th June 2023, beset with consequential ramifications and shortfalls, with the backing of the conspirators within the executive of the APC party, they called it done and dusted, when there was no evidence to authenticate the results as pronounced by Mohamed Konneh. “THE WAYS OF ZION DO MOURN, BECAUSE NONE COME TO THE SOLEMN FEASTS: ALL HER GATES ARE DESOLATE: HER PRIESTS SIGH, HER VIRGINS ARE AFFLICTED, AND SHE IS IN BITTERNESS”. (Lamentations chapter 1 verse 4).

As the current APC executive members are caught up between the devil and the deep sea, so also is the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. They are currently living in fear of some impending dangers that could befall them for their unpatriotic acts of betraying not only their supporters within their party, but a good number of Sierra Leoneans who voted for change. Even the spirits of the founding fathers are not in their proper manners as they watch from their graves the drama of selfishness and hatredness that has caught up with their party. Did I hear that the presidential running mate to Dr. Samura Kamara has resigned his position as the deputy leader of the APC party?  A man who served as deputy speaker of parliament during Ernest Koroma’s presidency, and leader of the opposition in the outgone parliament. A brilliant man who could not defend the constitution when bad laws were passed in the house. What A Shame! “JERUSALEM HATH GRIEVOUSLY SINNED; THEREFORE, SHE IS REMOVED: ALL THAT HONOURED HER DESPISE HER, BECAUSE THEY HAVE SEEN HER NAKEDNESS: YEA, SHE SIGHETH, AND TURNETH BACKWARD”. (Lam.chap.1 verse 8)

“How folly for you people to be aiming at agenda 2028, when the bird at hand is worth too in the bush”. When you reflect your mind on the importance of ‘Psalm 23’ in the Bible, you will surely bow your heads in regret as that was a Biblical connotation that the Lord destined for us as a nation. His plans for Sierra Leone were not of evil but of good. A time that the Lord was preparing us not to lack anything and to live in opulence and in uprightness. When the Lord was preparing to guard us and not be in fear. Even before our enemies he promised to preserve us.  “THE LORD IS MY SHEPHER; I SHALL NOT WANT. HE MAKETH ME TO LIE DOWN IN GREEN PASTURES: HE LEADETH ME BESIDE THE STILL WATERS.HE RESTORETH MY SOUL: HE LEADETH ME IN THE PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE.YEA, THOUGH I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL:  FOR THOU ART WITH ME; THY ROD AND THY STAFF THEY COMFORT ME.THOU PREPAREST A TABLE BEFORE ME IN THE PRESENCE OF MY ENEMIES: THOU ANOINTEST MY HEAD WITH OIL; MY CUP RUNNETH OVER.SURELY YOUR GOODNESS AND MERCY SHALL FOLLOW ME ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE: AND I WILL DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD FOR EVER”. (Psalm 23 chapter verses 1 to 6).

“The moment we want to believe in something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it”. This is our present state of affairs as a nation in this 21st century of the internet and social media.”Can we cleanse the Augean Stables to effect great improvements in the governance of a great party or, to abolish great abuses within a very short period of time”? These are the pertinent and crucial questions confronting our political god fathers of the opposition All Peoples Congress party presently, as they are caught up in ‘The Conflict Within Themselves’! “UNTO THEE WILL I CRY, O LORD MY ROCK; BE NOT SILENT TO ME: LEST, IF THOU BE SILENT TO ME, I BECOME LIKE THEM THAT GO DOWN THE PIT. HEAR THE VOICE OF MY SUPPLICATIONS, WHEN I CRY UNTO THEE, WHEN I LIFT UP MY HANDS TOWARDS THE HOLY ORACLE. DRAW ME NOT AWAY WITH THE WICKED, AND WITH THE WORKERS OF INIQUITY, WHICH SPEAK PEACE TO THEIR NEIGHBOURS, BUT MISCHIEF IN THEIR HEARTS. GIVE THEM ACCORDING TO THEIR DEEDS, ACCORDING TO THE WICKEDNESS OF THEIR ENDEAVOURS: GIVE THEM AFTER THE WORK OF THEIR HANDS; RENDER TO THEM THEIR DESERT”.(Lamentations chapter 28 verses 1 to 4 respectfully). Lord, Deliver Our Nation From Selfish And Greedy Politicians In Jesus Mighty Name.

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