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The Global Fund

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With the financial support of
The Global Fund
To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
45 Adelaide Street Freetown Sierra Leone West Africa

Procurement Number: GF CCMSL/2020/001
The Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism Sierra Leone (CCM SL)
Terms of Reference for the Review of Global Fund Grant Documents under the Full Review Process (August 2020)
In December 2019, the Global Fund informed CCM Sierra Leone of the Country allocation of US $ 126,205,022 million for HIV, Tuberculosis (TB), Malaria and Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH) programs covering the period of 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024.
Against this backdrop, the CCM Sierra Leone is looking to source a Consulting Firm to review HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria and RSSH grant documents to be aligned with disease strategies and health sector strategic Plan which will enable the CCM SL to submit a Full Review Single Country Request for HIV/AID, TB, Malaria and RSSH with Prioritized Above Allocation Request (PAAR) on or before Monday 31st August 2020.

Title of Consultancy:
Technical assistance on the review and alignment of HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria and RSSH grant documents for the implementation cycle July 2021- June 2024.

Objectives of the Consultancy:
The overall objective of the consultancy is to support the CCM SL task force of the proposal writing committee with programs in preparing grant documents for HIV/AID, TB, Malaria and RSSH with PAAR through consultation, dialogue and coordination with CCM, PRs, partners and key population representatives

Specific Objectives:
1. Support the CCMSL Taskforce to facilitate dialogue across disease control programs and RSSH on identifying common health system-related bottlenecks and opportunities
2. Review and update the programmatic and financial gap analysis for HIV, TB, Malaria and RSSH
3. Review and finalize the HIV, TB, Malaria and RSSH budgets
4. To ensure alignment of the grant documents (performance framework, list of health products, Procurement and Supply Management (PSM) plan and budget) based on the current funding
5. Propose performance framework for HIV, TB, malaria and RSSH; to include those prioritized activities that are required for the programs but are beyond the current allocation of funding
6. To generate PAAR or Catalytic Funding requests, ensuring that the prioritized above allocation activities required for the HIV, TB, Malaria and RSSH are captured.

7. To guide the PRs’ task force in collating relevant annexes to the full review request in a timely manner.

Functional Responsibilities:
• Carry out a comprehensive review of the existing programme documentation
o HIV, TB and malaria strategic plans, National Health Sector Strategic Plan, Health Policy, UHC concept note & roadmap
o Programme review reports (HIV, TB and Malaria), routine programme surveillance data as well as data quality reports and any relevant studies
o Program continuation requests for HIV, TB, malaria and RSSH
o Previous Global Fund proposals and Technical Review Panel (TRP) comments
o Existing Global Fund grant documents (performance framework, PSM plans, list of health products and budgets)
o Recent Global Fund issues, Office of the Inspector General (OIG ) Agreed Management Actions, Management letters and Reports from workshops, as well reports of interventions funded by other donors

• Review and finalize budgets with detailed assumptions for the HIV, TB, M and RSSH grants (template to be provided by the Global Fund)

• Review existing counterpart support from government and partners as well as across the Global Fund grants, to enable complementarity of the Global Fund resources

• Identify areas for efficiencies and prioritize integrated service delivery within disease programme and grant documents to ensure implementation and achievement of results as set out in the performance frameworks

• Facilitate the prioritization of activities and place any essential activities that are not funded within the allocation and catalytic funding amounts in a prioritized above allocation (template to be provided by the Global Fund)

• Lead discussions with PRs and partners, including the CCM Task Force, CCM Management /Oversight team and key population representatives, to broker consensus on prioritisation for the above allocation

• Ensure alignment of the grant documents (performance framework, list of health products, PSM plan and budget)

• Support the PR discussions with the Global Fund to agree and finalize the budgets, Performance Framework, M&E Plan etc.

• Work closely with national programme senior management and partners, including the CCM Management team and key populations, to support the update and finalization of the grant documents (performance frameworks, PSM plans, lists of health products. PAAR and budgets) and relevant annexes
• Prepare and submit a report to the CCM Management outlining in detail any challenges and lessons learnt during the execution of an inclusive dialogue process and preparation of the Grant documents for Global Fund grant negotiation

• A proposed detailed work plan with milestones and timelines, aligned with the CCM roadmap

• HIV, TB, M and RSSH performance framework in a template provided by the Global Fund for the within allocation and the proposed above allocation.

• Programmatic and financial gap analysis for HIV, TB, Malaria and RSSH.

• HIV, TB, M and RSSH budgets with detailed assumptions in the template provided by the Global Fund and including HIV, TB, malaria and RSSH prioritized budgets with detailed assumptions for above allocation requests

• Quantification documents per component, describing assumptions applied to estimate the need for health products (all categories).

• Report on the inclusive dialogue process, challenges and lessons learnt in supporting CCM Taskforce for the preparation of HIV/AID, TB, M and RSSH grant documents for Global Fund Grant negotiations

• Any other deliverables that would be required during entrance meeting with CCM Taskforce and Disease Program Managers

• Provide a team with the following person’s specifications:

Team Lead, HIV/AIDS Specialist, TB Specialist, Malaria Specialist, RSSH Specialist, M&E expert, Financial Expert and a PSM Expert

• The Team Lead should have at least a Master Degree epidemiology, public health, or related field with at least 8 years of experience in managing programmes; HIV, TB, malaria and/or RSSH programmes; and documented experience in designing, managing, monitoring and evaluating the Global Fund Grants. The Lead Consultant from a firm must have the ability to lead multidisciplinary team of consultants with expertise in HIV, TB, Malaria, Finance/costing, M&E, PSM and RSSH and She/he would be responsible for coordinating the development of the Grant Making documents for the Global Fund 2020-2022 Funding cycle. The Lead Consultant would be expected to support the CCM Taskforce during the TRP clarification process. Priority will be given for significant experience in financial management and Health Systems Strengthening. Experience working with the Global Fund, WHO, UNAIDS at a senior level would be an added advantage.

• The Finance Specialist must understand the requirements of the Global Fund in terms of budgeting requirements and guidelines.

Preferable to have GF experience in grant making and some financial background.
Should be able to translate program activities to financial assumptions with clear descriptions. The finance person should understand the risks associated with the activities to ensure that timing and frequency are realistic.

• The PSM expert should understand the assumptions used for the quantification of needs and review alignment with programmatic priorities (alignment with programmatic gap tables; and demographic/geographic priorities).

He/she should apply the tools already being used by the different programs and not import additional tools.
• The RSSH Specialist should demonstrate a good understanding of the common systems constraints faced by disease programs by highlighting specific problems and
how RSSH investment will help resolve them to better delivery of services. He or she should have strong facilitation and consensus building skills necessary in supporting CCM for an inclusive country dialogue with national stakeholders, RSSH focal persons and key international donors in setting priorities and investing in RSSH for impact.

• The Program Specialist in TB, HIV or Malaria and M&E Expert should understand prioritized intervention areas across the disease cascade with wealth of experience working on Global Fund or Rollback Malaria or Stop TB partnership programs.

• The other members of the team must have at least 8 years of experience in their respective specialism.

• The firm should demonstrate familiarity with Global Fund procedures and processes. Experience with Sierra Leone portfolio or any West African Countries will be an added advantage.

• Experience in working with Key Affected Populations and vulnerable populations

• English fluency and excellent writing and summarizing skills.

• The Registered presence of a firm with Sierra Leone or West Africa would be an added advantage

Therefore, evaluation marks would be apportioned as below:
Team Lead: 40%
Finance Specialist: 10%
PSM Expert: 5%
M&E Expert: 5%
TB Program Expert: 5%
HIV Program Expert: 5%
Malaria Program Expert: 5%
RSSH Expert: 15%

Firm’s familiarity with Global Fund Processes and Procedures: 10%
Tentative Duration of Contract:
Friday 1st May to Monday 31st August 2020 (Duration might change based on CCM’s decision)
Date posted: Friday 7th February 2020 @ 10am Sierra Leone time.
Deadline for application: Friday 28th February 2020 @ 6pm Sierra Leone time
To Apply: Send updated CVs of team members and company profile with Letter of Intent (LOI) to ccmsierraleonesecretariat@yahoo.com
Office Address: 45 Adelaide Street Freetown, Sierra Leone West Africa.

• Successful Firm would be required to pay a withholding tax rate of 10.5% of the applicable fees if registered out of Sierra Leone or pay 5.5 % if registered with Sierra Leone.
• Also published through website: www.publicprocurement.gov.sl

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