Night Watch Newspaper

The Meaning of Christmas

Christmas is celebrated by Christians world-wide to mark the birth of Christ and its traditional celebrations take various forms. In Sierra Leone there is a predominance of Muslims but Christmas celebrations are so pervasive that many celebrants do so without knowing what they are celebrating.
The strong minority influence here is that it had been observed since colonial days when the birthday anniversary of the Muslim prophet Mohamed was not regarded as a public holiday by the British Christian colonial powers. This is in spite of the fact that most of the prominent citizens of the penultimate generation and the present one had Christian education.
Though Jesus Christ was not a Christian ‘’To pretend that Christianity was intended to stereotype existing forms of government and society and to protect them against change is to reduce it to the level of Islamism and Brahminism. It is precisely because Christianity has not done this that it has been the religion of the progressive portion of mankind-J.S.Mill .
Indeed Christianity is without doubt the progressive portion of mankind not engaging in mass bombings, pretending to abhor Western civilization and yet using its weapons and uncivilized acts like preventing women’s education etc.
‘’The word became flesh’’ meaning that the prediction of Christ’s birth had come true. His immaculate conception is even believed by Muslims though they doubt his son ship and death upon the Cross. He could have descended from Heaven in the manner in which he ascended but God decided the manner of his conception for our acceptance of him as a human being.
In the days of old in Sierra Leone the Christmas holiday was observed by carols, church services, ashobi groups, outings and partying by family members done unobtrusively to the rest of the unconcerned public. It is a pity that of all aspects of the nation’s life there are futile attempts to politicize religion. It is not that there was no street dancing with masquerades of masked devils but those were small Christian groups that were very orderly and entertaining. Boxing day in the bigger towns like Freetown and Bo had sports meetings that entertained citizens. The scenario had been bastardized with vandalism holding sway instead of entertainment .Those who argue that the people cannot be happy throughout the year without street thuggery miss the point. The same critics would blame lack of Police enforcement if there are no restrictions and they would have scored political points. The fact is that the old order should change and yield to new. Christianity has nothing to do with Bloody Mary or Paddle masquerades. They should be held at other times and not to be associated with the Christian religion because they are related to Satan. For once let there be a distinction between Christian celebrations and the devil’s celebration.
Christianity is God’s acceptable religion which is why when it declares joy to the world it happens with the exception of a minority of satanic elements.
Keep your head cool when all others are losing theirs. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year free from crime, drug addiction and drunkenness.

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