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Friday, September 20, 2024

Vampires Around The Presidency

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President Bio is currently surrounded with vampires who are making it extremely difficult for his local grassroot supporters to access him not to say to wine and dine with him.
The strength of President Bio’s ascendancy to Power as well as his grip on the flag bearer race hinged heavily on grassroot support.
The SLPP elitist had little or no confidence in Bio’s ability to win elections against the All Peoples Congress.
They have devised all types of theories to justify the fact that President Bio is violent and lacks what it takes to win elections. They were insinuating against the backdrop of a party that prides itself with a plethora of educationists and diplomats. Hence, President Bio was not a match to the huge and varied human resource material. It was only the grassroots that reposed confidence in him believed in him that he would deliver and bring the SLPP back to power which came to pass.
They started manifesting this elitist preference at the 2012 Miatta Conference flag bearer race where he was nearly beaten by Alhaji Usu Boie Kamara. The grassroot support base had resolved in that conference that it was only President Bio had the charisma to embarrass the APC because of his his military background and discipline.
They have ignored all the limitations of the President at the time such as his educational standards, the ban on Bio not to enter the US threw their weight behind the President Bio.
His fierce challenge to President Koroma in the 2012 elections after successfully beating eighteen candidates in the hotly contested flag bearer race was backed by his very strong grassroot support at the time.
The situation became even tense in the run up to the March 2018 elections where a very strong internal cabal was set up by all other flag bearers’ candidates against him.
The resolve of the grassroot support base was against again tested on both APC sustained propaganda and the potent internal fight in the SLPP.
In the face of these turbulent circumstances, many grassroot SLPP supporters especially in APC strongholds were victimized, deprived alongside their friends and families for the strong belief in President Bio to man the affairs of state.
While all of this was happening, these so-called individuals now at State House were at the cozy air condition offices in the West. Even if they had supported the President financially, such funds were not enough to earn the party and the Presidency a victory in a tightly contested March,2018 elections.
A great number of grassroot supporters are increasingly becoming concerned about the blockade that lies between them and the President. The grassroots are now worried that these so-called individuals are without political bases to ably contribute to election victories for the President and the party.
They have accused those individuals of fanning the flames of discord between them and the Presidency thus making them to fall apart with the presidency when it comes to winning elections. The presence of these diaspora individuals has rendered State House no-go area for the grassroot. Intellectualism and diplomacy has taken over State House at the detriment the grassroots who wallow in misery and abject poverty.
The jobs of the very few who have survived are also increasingly threatened at every tick of the clock as a result of the influences of these individuals.
The President has failed in his cabinet and other appointments to give meaningful jobs to these individuals.
Koroko a diehard SLPP supporter in Tonkolili and many others are languishing in their little corners. They are depressed as they are constrained in accessing the President.
President Bio should find time amidst his busy schedule to meet these people. The current State House structure is denying them access to their beloved President and this might be dangerous for the pending 2023 elections.
Former President Koroma has still continued to be popular because of the love and respect for the grassroots people in his party. State House had fully accommodated and supported the wishes and aspirations of all the grassroot APC supporters manifested by the unfettered access to the Presidency they enjoyed throughout the tenure of the then regime.
Politics is about numbers and the President should know this.

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