By Hassanatu I. Conteh
Andrew Momoh Jah, a bike rider, Daniel Kamara, a labourer, Zainab Kamara, a business woman and Thomas Leigh Koroma made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road Court No.1 in Freetown on thirteen counts charges related to possession and dealing with prohibited drugs without authority.
All four accused persons are before the court on charges ranging from manufacturing a prohibited drug without lawful authority, transporting a prohibited drug without lawful authority, collecting a prohibited drug without lawful authority, supplying a prohibited drug without lawful authority, selling a prohibited drug without lawful authority, dealing in a prohibited drug without lawful authority, possession of a prohibited drug without lawful authority, possession of a substance used for the manufacturing of a prohibited drug without lawful authority, transporting materials used for the production of a prohibited drug without lawful authority, transporting substances used for the production of a prohibited drug without lawful authority, keeping a prohibited drug without lawful authority and keeping substances used for the production of a prohibited drug without lawful authority.
According to the police charge sheet, the above named accused persons on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 at No. 66 Kanu Drive, Temne Town, Allen Town in the Western Urban Area in Freetown were found manufacturing a harmful drug believed to be Kush, transporting of the said known harmful drug, collecting other prohibited drugs, and supplying the said ‘Kush’ drug without lawful authority.
State Counsel I.A. Kamara led in evidence Witness No. 3, Detective Police Constable 5063 Musa Mangu attached to the Trans-National Crime Unit (TNCU).
The witness stated that he recognized all accused on the dock. He added that on the 20th November 2024, he was on duty when the head of TNCU, handed over all the accused persons to him for investigation. On the same date, him and Detective Alpha Turay obtained voluntary cautioned statements from the First and Second accused persons.
Detective Alpha Turay said he cautioned and questioned both accused separately, and that the accused persons made their statements in Krio which they recorded in English. He explained that the said statements were read before the accused persons, which they admitted to be true and correct by affixing there right thumb prints and this was witnessed by Detective Alpha Turay and that he also signed as the recorder.
The said statements were presented to the court for identification and that the matter was later handed over to Safia Amara for further investigation. However, Magistrate Kekura denied bail for the accused persons and ordered that they be remanded at the Male Correctional Center at Pademba Road while he adjourned the matter for further hearing to Tuesday, 11th March, 2025.