Night Watch Newspaper

Woman Docked For Wounding

By Musa Paul Feika
Sia Cole has made her second appearance before Magistrate Alhaji Suliaman Koroma at the Ross Road Magistrate Court No. 1 for the offences of wounding with intent, wounding, and assault occasioning actual bodily harm; all contrary to Offences against the Persons Act of 1861.
Police prosecution witness Mariama Bah, who also doubles as the victim, told the court that she recognized the accused as her neighbour and could recall Monday 22nd July 2019.
She continued that they were at home with her daughter, Abibatu Kargbo, laundering their clothes and on completion she instructed her daughter to hang the clothes outside.
The witness recounted that the accused immediately left her own apartment and blocked the main gate that was leading outside the compound.
The victim’s daughter, according to the witness, requested the accused to move off from the passage but she refused and her daughter had no option but to pass under the accused’s shoulder.
The witness continued that the accused started raining abuses on her child and that she also in turn retaliated by insulting the accused.The accused decided to refer the abuses to the victim’s daughter .
The witness further told the court that she went to confirm whether the accused was abusing her and that a quarrel later ensued, which resulted into a fight that prompted neighbours to intervene.
The victim added that she later went into her own apartment and that the accused left her own apartment and rushed into her apartment and beat her up. She added that during the process, she sustained injuries and wounds on her body.
The witness concluded her testimony that she was later taken to the Kissy Police Station by her elder sister, Adama, and was issued with a police medical request form for Examination and treatment at the Government Rokupa Hospital in Freetown.
Defence Counsel, Mohamed Kamara representing the accused, renewed his previous application for bail on behalf his client by relying on section 79 of the Criminal Procedure Act No. 32 of 1965.
Bail was granted to the accused in the sum of thirty million Leones (Le 30,000,000) with two sureties in like sum, and bail conditions must be approved by the Deputy Master and Registrar.
The police charge sheet indicates that Sia Cole on Monday 22nd July 2019, at Kissy Dock Yard in the Freetown Judicial District in the Western Area of the Republic of Sierra Leone, wounded and at the same time assaulted Mariama Bah in a manner thereby causing her grievous bodily harm.
The matter was adjourned to 12th March 2020.

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