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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Only APC Can Save Sierra Leone

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As Sierra Leone ripped off day by day, the people wail and pray for APC (All People’s Congress) to come back in light of the party’s past record.

They hope to see respite only when APC rules and reigns.

Comparatively, the people of Sierra Leone have seen marked difference between where Sierra Leone was in the past 10 years of ex-President Ernest Bai Koroma, and where it is today under President Julius Maada Bio’s six-year rule.

Despite contrary opinions, local and international ratings do not favour the Bio regime and facts on the ground also bear testimony of the PAOPA misrule.

Currently, the country is among the worst in terms of everything: Sierra Leone is ranked almost the lowest in the global Human Capital Development Index, rated the world’s second poorest country, dubbed the unhappiest and replete with the worst inflation records ever seen since post-independence.

Sierra Leone also grapples with high records of infant and maternal mortality rate as shown by demographic surveys.

Currently, the country’s infant mortality rate stands at 122 per 1000 live births while maternal mortality is estimated 1120 per 100 000 live births. Electricity blackout remains persistent with millions of outstanding debts owed by government to the electricity supplier, the Karpowership which has left the waters of Sierra Leone. Government, according to reports, owes $40m debt to the electricity generator and supply.

The economy crunches every hour as indicated by uncontrollable inflation figures, unfavourable terms of trade, persistent depreciation of the Leone currency, weak exchange, poor living standards and cost-of-living crisis.

Global reports have also tagged Sierra Leone as the hungriest country in the world despite the much talked about ‘Feed Salone’ initiative launched by President Julius Maada Bio in October, last year.

The ‘Feed Salone’ scheme is to put food on the table of the man in the street so that no Sierra Leonean goes to bed with an empty stomach. If the ‘Feed Salone’ became real, foreign Money used to import rice in the country also will be saved and spent on other sectors of the economy.

However, many are apprehensive about the Bio’s ambitious project since the ground for its success is not yet well set as 2, 500 able-bodied youth are into okada (commercial bike riding) to make what they called “fast money.”

Sierra Leone is also trapped in the dance of bad governance evidenced by unabated abuse of human rights particularly the right to life and free speech, arrest intimidation and harassment of opposition politicians and supporters, persistent police crackdowns and raids in opposition strongholds, discriminatory attitudes in employment, frequent dismissals of government works perceived as APC sympathisers and control in detail all aspects of man’s life.

The clamp down of political opponents continues as treason trial drags on.

The arrest of APC Chairman, Abu Bakarr Boxx Conteh, in neighbouring Guinea also testifies to the ruling party’s tactics of oppression with many seeing it as a new form of kidnapping since the suspect’s whereabouts remain unknown at the moment.

It is sad that bad politics is taking root amid repeated promises of peace and the signing of a communiqué that urges political stakeholders in Sierra Leone to act as one in the interest of the state.

The rule of law which begins from police stations to the courts is almost thrown to the dustbin owing to the double standards in law enforcement.

Several surveys conducted about Sierra Leone’s justice system have showed that, one set of justice is reserved for a particular group of people and another form justice for others.

Such discriminatory practice erodes public trust and confidence in the courts and nothing works without trust.

It is however hoped that the political incidents will be trampled in the dust of history when APC takes over state governance in the near future regardless of whoever is in the seat.

Under APC, the energy challenge will be solved, the economy revamped and living standards improved.

Under APC, the people of Sierra Leone also hope to enjoy recognition and respect for their fundamental rights as no one’s life would be taken away extra-judicially.

The right to free speech also would be respected  since no one would be arrested for criticising government officials in their public life.

Known for its tolerance to opponents, APC government will neither dismiss nor discriminate any Sierra Leonean on the basis of tribe, region and political affiliation. Jobs will be offered solely on the basis of competence, experience and credentials.

The party always attests to the notion that all Sierra Leoneans are equal and there must be equal opportunities for all.  This creed makes APC a dominant force in the political landscape as various classes of Sierra Leoneans always move towards and mingle with APC.

With APC, the rule of law will be restored as everyone will be equal before the law and one will be made to suffer pain in mind or body only for a distinct breach of the law. The law also will be strictly followed in the arrest, investigation and prosecution of those who violate the law and not for any other reason.

Sierra Leoneans’ hope is genuine when one looks at the political achievements made by the APC at any time it gets to State House.

APC also saved Sierra Leone at time the country was rated the worst in all aspects of development.

Between 1996 and 2007 under President Ahmed Tejan Kabba, SLPP was in governance, but found it difficult to deliver the much-needed social services to the people.

Water which ought to be the cheapest commodity to be enjoyed by every Sierra Leonean was in short supply despite government’s commitment to the Millenium Development Agenda, 2015 which has the provision of water as its seventh goal.

As part of the 189 countries that signed the MDG, 2000 in New York, Sierra Leone pledged to reduce the figure of those without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.

In early 2000, Sierra Leone had the worst infant and maternal mortality figures in Africa second only to Angola under President Kabba, and Freetown was the darkest city in the world.

The roads were poor, a main cause for frequent road accidents the country saw over the years.

Internal travels were also not a smooth ride for Sierra Leoneans as many spent lengthy hours sometimes a day on the road owing to their rough and rugged nature.

One could spend a day and half in a journey between Freetown and Pujehun and more hours from the city to other major towns in the country.

Sierra Leone however turned a new page after APC took over state governance in November, 2007.

In the Agenda For Change, former President Ernest Bai Koroma prioritised energy, infrastructure, health, education and agriculture as a means of transforming the country into a middle-income nation.

Freetown, the one-time darkest city, saw bright light in President Koroma’s first 100 days in office with ecstasy and elation gripping Freetown residents for seeing again a long-forgotten service in the country.

Freezers as well as television sets were immediately switched on, bulbs lit and cookers put into action with the trend continuing throughout Koroma’s reign.

The success stories in the energy sector came after the completion of phase-1 of the Bumbuna Hydro Dam and the signing of the Karpowership contract.

The revival of energy was accompanied by a never-ending project of infrastructural improvement ever seen in post-independent Sierra Leone.

It was under President Koroma that several highways: Masiaka-Bo, Freetown-Kambia, Bo-Liberia among others were constructed with financial support from the European Union, one Sierra Leone’s key development partners.

The Magbele-Ferry, Mabang and Moala-Ferry  bridges which connect Sierra Leone to other countries were fixed with Sierra Leoneans enjoying a smooth and easy ride on the roads than ever before.

In an open show of commitment to national development priorities, President Koroma launched the Free Health Care policy in April, 2013 to protect pregnant women, children under-five and lactating mothers from deadly diseases.

It is under this scheme that the above-mentioned categories has been enjoying free medical services in government’s health facilities in the country, a move that slashed the appalling infant and maternal mortality figures.

Koroma also excelled in democratic good governance spheres as he maintained a stable, peaceful and progressive nation as the people spoke with one voice on national issues and other matters that affect their welfare.

In its glory days, APC was tolerant to critics and political opponents, as no one was arrested for criticising government officials and their policies.

Upon taking over state command in 2007, Koroma worked with SLPP ministers for three months amid allegations that he lacked competent men to work with.

He still continued to work with opposition politicians in matters of state administration as seen in the thousands of dollars he entrusted to SLPP to help in the sensitisation  of communities in the South-East regions to roll back Ebola between May, 2014 and November, 2016.

In 2008,   Koroma displayed an admirable culture of forgiveness and statesmanship when he protected SLPP offices across the country when APC offices were set ablaze in Bo city.

The then President ensured that the matter was handled with care even when it became clear that the APC offices were torched by thugs linked to SLPP.

This rare quality earned the former President the honour of being flanked by then US President, Barrack Obama and UN Secretary-General, Banki Moon in a summit of world leaders to the amazement of Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora. An SLPP member residing in the United States said he was proud of a Sierra Leonean to be honoured in such a honourable style.

It is therefore hoped that the spirit of love, unity, peace, national cohesion and prosperity will return to the country when APC comes again regardless of who is on the driving seat.

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