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“My Sister Was Happy, Strong And Healthy”- Sia’s Younger Sister Testifies

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By Janet A. Sesay

Christiana Kumba Theresa Kamara, the younger sister of deceased Sia Fatu Kamara on Thursday, 26th September, 2024 testified at the High Court that her sister, Sia Fatu Kamara was “happy, strong and healthy” when she left home to pass the night at the house of Abdul Kpaka.

She made this statement on Thursday, 26th September, 2024 whiles testifying before Justice Alhaji Momoh Jah Stevens in the ongoing murder trial of her sister.

Christiana being led in evidence by State Counsel Yusuf Isaac Sesay, said the deceased, Sia Fatu Kamara was her elder sister and they were living together, and that she was a happy, strong and very healthy person when she left home to spend the night at the house of the accused.

At this juncture, the Defense Counsel objected that the witness is not an expert to give opinion on the health of the deceased, adding that the health of the deceased has to be determined by a medical professional.

He prayed that the bit of evidence led by the witness be expunged. State Counsel Sesay in reply said the objection made by the Defense Counsel lacks legal basis as it is not backed by law. The State Counsel furthered that the witness has laid the foundation by explaining before the court that the deceased is her elder sister and they were living together and that the deceased has never complained any health issue. He said the Defense Counsel has the opportunity to cross-examine the witness to test the veracity of the evidence adduced. He prayed that the Judge discountenances the objection by the Defense as it lacks merits.

Justice Steven in his ruling said they are not in court to look into the health of the deceased but what causes her death and he therefore over-ruled the response by the State Counsel.

Following this ruling, the witness continued her testimony by identifying the accused as the boyfriend of the deceased and they have been together in a love relationship for eight years. Hearing those words from the witness accused Kpaka burst into tears.

Witness Kamara further testified that the relationship between them was abusive and aggressive, adding that Kpaka usually verbally and physically abused the deceased by assaulting her whenever they have misunderstandings.

The witness recalled the 12th August, 2024 that on that day at 9:00 pm, she and the deceased were at home when she went inside her bathroom and she met her taking bath. She said that afterwards, the deceased asked her to plait her hair which she did and whiles doing so, she said she was going to see the accused and that the accused, Kpaka was going to pick her from home. The witness also explained that the deceased told her that the accused has bought her a ticket and she deemed to travel to the United States on 3rd September, 2024.

Witness Kamara continued that around 11:00 pm, the deceased came out of her room well-dressed, holding her computer bag with some clothes inside, which she said she was to wear to work the following day.

She furthered that the deceased before she left the house bade them good night as she was going to pass the night at the house of the accused. She said the deceased at that time did not complain of any health issue. The witness said she slept in the room of the deceased that particular night and that around 9:00 am, the next morning, she received a call from the accused who told her to meet him at the Emergency Hospital and that she tried to enquire as to what has happened but that the accused Kpaka hung up the call.

Witness Christiana said she became worried and rushed up to go to the said hospital and she put a bottle of anointing oil inside her bag praying on her way that nothing should happen as result of the call. She said that on arrival at the Emergency Hospital, she called the accused to show his location in the hospital and that he responded that they were standing outside in the hospital. She said she entered the hospital compound and saw the accused, and that as she was approaching him, a certain short man who identified himself as a nurse approached him and enquired if she was the younger sister of the deceased and that she responded in the affirmative, and she that was told that doctors were trying to resuscitate her sister.

She furthered that she tried to get close to the accused to understand what was wrong with her sister, but that some of his relatives advised her not to get close to him but that the deceased told them to leave her to talk to him.

The witness said the accused started crying and shouting in Krio: ‘Christo una kill me wantem; ar nor deserve for live’ adding that with those comments, she right away knew that something serious was wrong with her sister and she started praying.

Christiana continued that the accused and some of his family members were crying and she called her friend Finda and one of their intercessor brothers in their church, Brother Misheal Amara to meet her at the hospital.

She furthered that before their arrival the sister of the accused, called Nancy met her and they started praying and whiles praying, Nancy was praying for her brother that God should show him mercy.

Witness Christiana continued that whiles praying, her friend, Finda eventually met them at the hospital and they both demanded to see the deceased, adding that whiles trying to enter the hospital gate, she heard one of the nurses saying in krio: ‘Dae lady way dem bring kam don die. Na wan pan ee relatives dem dis’.

Christiana furthered that she rebuked the word from the nurse that her sister is not dead and she insisted on seeing her sister, and one of the nurses told them that they will not be able to see the deceased where she has been enclosed. She said, she thereof called their Pastor and their elder brother, Willie Sahr Kamara and explained to them what had happened.

She said at this juncture, Brother Misheal Amara also met them and she explained to him the same thing and they went inside again insisting to see the deceased, but the nurse told them that they needed a vehicle to transport the corpse to the mortuary.

The witness continued that she saw the vehicle of the accused entering the hospital and the body of her sister was removed from a room wrapped from head to toe and was placed in the vehicle and she asked them to take her home which they did, saying that she believes in miracles.

Christiana continued at home sister of the accused, Nancy requested for a blanket to cover the deceased because she was naked and it was given to her and the deceased was taken inside the house and was laid in the parlor and they were praying hoping for a miracle.

She said whiles the deceased was lying down, she noticed a cut on her upper lip and blood stained on her lower lip, adding that her eyes and mouth were not closed and they continued praying. She added that at that time everywhere was congested and they decided to take the body inside the room and the prayer continued and that they were at this prayer session over the body when she saw a vehicle from the Virtue Funeral Home entering and the body was removed and taken to mortuary.

During cross-examination by the Lead Defense Counsel, Emmanuel Teddy Koroma, witness Christiana again affirmed that she is the younger sister of the deceased and the accused was her boyfriend.

She also affirmed that the deceased was healthy when she left the house but also said before the court she is not a medical personnel.

Answering further questions put to her, witness Christiana said that she was never aware that her sister has a health problem, adding that at one time, the deceased was doing some hard work and she developed difficulty in breathing but was later calmed down.

She was asked by the Defense Counsel whether that was what she said to the police and she responded yes. Her statement at the police station was shown to her which she confirmed to be hers.

The Defense applied that the copy of the witness’s statement to the police be made available to the court to form part of the court’s in pursuance of Section 190 (2) of the Criminal Procedures Act No. 32 of 1965. The statement was tendered and marked as Exhibit A 1-6.

Line 4 of the statement on Page 4 was read where she told the police that once in a while the deceased experienced difficulty in breathing whiles doing a certain hard work.

At this juncture, the accused was remanded and the matter adjourned to the 3rd October, 2024 for continuation.

Kpaka is arraigned before the court on two count charges of murder contrary to Section 1 of the Against the Person’s Act of 1861 and perverting the course of justice contrary to law.

The indictment states that the Abdul Kpaka on 13th August 2024 at Mambo in Freetown murdered Sia Fatu Kamara. It also indicated that the accused on the 14th August 2024 fabricated evidences with intent to pervert the course of Justice.

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