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Saturday, October 5, 2024

‘Samura Kamara Will Be A Great President’ – SLPP Executive

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For always putting the country’s interest first as well as peace and national cohesion, and for having the training and experience to fix broken economies, Samura Kamara would be a better President, says  a staunch member of the ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP).

Speaking to this press on condition of anonymity, the SLPP executive official said looking back at the actions and decisions of the main opposition leader and flag-bearer, they sound and look like the kinds of decisions a president should make.

Making examples of Dr Samura’s decisions that he safeguarded our democracy and maintained peace and security across the land, the SLPP stalwart said after the announcement that Julius Maada Bio had won the 2018 presidential election with over 100 per cent of the votes cast, there was an expectation that Dr Kamara, being the head of the APC, was going to listen to those in his party calling for party members to take to the streets and make the country ungovernable.

“The biggest fear after the 2018 announcement that Bio had won the presidential election was that APC supporters were not going to be appeased as the results left mouths hanging and fingers pointed at those the party suspected of rigging the results. There was an expectation that we were going to see running street protests across the country. But Dr Samura Kamara called for peace and impressed on his supporters to respect the laws of the land by not taking to the streets. Contrast his behaviour to that of Mr Bio who had promised to make the country ungovernable if he lost the elections. So we have a situation where an incumbent party held an election that they lost because all those involved in the tallying of votes were encouraged to do their job without fear or favour. It wasn’t an easy experience having to wait for another five years to set things straight,” said the SLPP stalwart.

The affable politician who enjoys widespread love and respect across the political divide for being a nationalist said because Samura Kamara considered the nation first by maintaining our fragile peace and democracy, he decided to sacrifice his dream and vision of being president instead of risking protesters facing the possibility of being shot by state security personnel, which action would make it much more difficult to ensure that peace prevails across the country.

In the past five years, Dr Samura Kamara has had to experience issues people in the majority said were orchestrated to either provoke him, derail him or ruin him financially. But despite all these obvious roadblocks, he never lost self-control but maintained his composure by not listening to sections of his party calling for action.

For a man of high integrity that subscribes to the ethics of his profession, Samura Kamara was made to answer to charges of corruption during his time working for the government of Sierra Leone in the Ernest Bai Koroma presidency.

While he was never the first accused his name was paraded on all forms of media as if he was the principal in these matters.

Without once screaming foul play, Dr Samura has been weathering these storms absolutely believing in the victory of good over evil.

Although he lacks faith in our judiciary, out of respect for the rule of law, he has subjected himself to all kinds of investigations and having to show proof of his honesty in handling the people’s money.

Instead of focusing on the 2023 elections, Dr Samura was being given the run around all in the interest of shifting his focus from working to get the party ready for those elections.

“Despite his attention being drawn here, there and everywhere, Dr Samura was still able to get the party united enough to take part in the 2023 elections. He has weathered all the storms thrown at him from the government, with all their plans and actions seeming to have no bearing on his focus to fix the Sierra Leone economy and saving the nation from the violent footing the incumbent regime had put the nation. Kamara is interested in winning the hearts and minds of the people through sound political platforms or manifestos instead of manipulating the outcomes of the electoral processes.

On several occasions, the SLPP executive said Dr Samura’s life was endangered, making a note of his motorcade being stopped on his way from the provinces and shots fired out of the blues.

There was a rumoured assassination attempt on his life that turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the man that was reportedly sent to do the dirty deed instead confessing what he was sent to do. Rumour has it that that individual met an untimely death.

“But what will go down as the most significant thing that sets Dr Samura apart and continues to give me confidence that he will make a fine president is his calm in the face of all these storms. He has not once lost his cool and called for drastic actions as would have been the expectation of his supporters. There are elements in the APC that only need a call from the party leader to take to the streets, but they all say they are disappointed because Dr Samura continues to consider their effects on the people and how said actions would affect our peace and security,” he stressed.

Dr Samura Kamara is concerned with how presidential actions and decisions can affect the image of the state and her leaders.

As men and women appointed by God, Dr Samura sees his calling to sue for the highest office of the land as if he will be working for God.

Such a leader is desirable as he will not only lead the nation to economic success, he will also lead them to God.

The nation is in desperate need of peace and there is no one in the present run for the nation’s highest office that can assure the nation of continued peace and economic success than Dr Samura Kamara.

Dr  Kamara, he went on, is concerned with improving the nation’s economy, something the past government cannot do despite having three ministers of finance and a Bank Governor who was also a professor in his field.

Because he loves the people and nation, Dr Samura Kamara will not rule Sierra Leone as a party president but as the people’s president.

“We all know from working with him that Dr Samura Kamara does not like lazy people. There will not be sacred cows in his government as he does not like corrupt men. His presidency will be one that will be dedicated to hard work and delivery. His will be a government of accountability. He has been patient with the intrigues of our party and government leader after 2018. But patience is something that runs thin. I consider Dr Samura to be a fine democrat and going by the action points on the 21-point communiqué you can see that they all point to aintaining the peace and sorting out our elections narrative and building a strong national economy. This is someone that is only interested in working for the good and progress of the nation,” the SLPP stalwart informed this medium.

Now that the nation is at this critical point in our story as a people, the opposition leader has once again proven to be a leader that will do things in the interest of peace and national development.

He has kept himself out of the limelight by working in the background to see the nation get to a point where we can agree to disagree on points of national interest all in the name of not reversing the gains made in our democratic credentials, our standing among the community of nations and the successful outcome of his plans and actions.

“Now that we know that there will be another presidential elections soon, we in the SLPP are ready for such an event as we want to see real change in our elections story that will encourage the people to continue taking part in the electoral process with the full trust that their votes and choices will be counted, protected and respected. This nation deserves a leader that the whole nation will rally behind no matter their political, tribal or regional allegiances. Samura Kamara will be that president that the whole nation can rally behind as he is a man of peace and integrity. We do not see him manipulating the system to have an advantage. When he takes over as president this nation will only be experiencing one success story after the other. The whole nation has been waiting for such a leader,” the SLPP executive concluded.

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